下面为大家推荐的是一篇SAT 备考经验,是一位考生和大家分享的在语法方面的单项备考经验。SAT语法考试的备考是非常容易出成果的,但是也是相对比较有较大提高的部分。下面大家就和天道小编一起来看看在SAT语法备考的部分需要主要的事项吧。
The writing section
Ok, now to the mc part. this part is easier to master; just apply the same method as math. do sets, find which grammar rules trouble you the most, and study those.
1. For the section where you have to find the errors with underlined sentences, after you finish that section. always, always recheck the ones that you put “e – no error”. personally for me and other people i know, that is the most common place for you to make an error.
2. Read the sentences out loud in your head (that was an oxymoron but w/e). sometimes you don’t see it on paper but when you hear it in your head you will be like... I thinking this is obviously incorrect. however, this does not justify you picking the ones that sound the best, you usually still want to justify it with grammar rules. for this one i’m talking about the really, really blatant errors that you can sometimes miss.
So yeah. do problems.
以上就是这位考生和大家分享的他的SAT 语法备考经验的全部内容,包括了对改错题和改进句子题等非常细节化的技巧,虽然都是英文的,但是非常简单。大家可以在备考自己的SAT语法考试的时候,针对这些经验进行适当的参考和借鉴。