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来源:天道留学 编辑:echo   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet






VerbAlternativeMeaningLanguage in use
DistainDespise轻视,贬抑Despised all cowards and flatterers
DerideMock, ridicule, flout嘲笑,嘲讽He derides her naïve attitude
RevealUncover, disclose揭密,泄漏Her laugh revealed her even teeth
RobLoot, pillage掠夺, 推动Not only do they rob you they smash everything too.
SlanderDiscredit, denigrate诽谤,中伤He claims he was slandered at the meeting.
ExtolCompliment, glorify, laud, praise赞扬He keeps extolling her goodness.
dissentDemur, deprecate反对,不赞成Dissent from official policy
DisputeRefute, renounce否认,拒绝Dispute resolution in health care.
DeploreRegret, lament, dirge哀悼,拒绝Deplore someone’s volent behavior
DeportBanish, expel驱逐,出境Deport sb
ResideDwell, abide, inhabit居住Dwell on ..
exaggerateBombast, overstate夸张,吹牛Exaggerate the difficulties
repealNullify, abolish取消,撤销,废除The congress decided to repeal the law
ImpedeHamper, hinder妨碍,阻挠Impede economic recovery
PromoteAccelerate, advance ,promote促进,帮助Promote public welfare
suppressExtinguish, advance镇压.suppress the truth about sth
indulgePamper放纵He no longer indulged himself in smoking
eliminateEfface, erase消除,除去Eliminate differences
AdjectiveAlternativeMeaningLanguage in use
trivialFrivolous, worthless琐碎的,不重要的,微不足道的Differences are trivial a frivolous novel
impetuousHasty, headlong, rash, brash, precipitate轻率的;鲁莽的,冲动的An impetuous young man
ferociousBloodthirsty, brutal, cruel, fierce, wild残忍的,野蛮的The ferocious winds seemed about to tear the ship to pieces
sinisterDiabolic, forbidding邪恶的;有害的;致命的A sinister smile
perniciousVirulent可怕的,令人难以亲近的A pernicious influence on society
RecklessHeedless鲁莽的,不顾后果的A reckless driver he is quite reckless lof his own safety.
FurtiveCovert, sneak偷偷的,鬼鬼崇崇的;小心谨慎的He cast a frtive glance at her. A furtive movement.
CovertHidden, hideaway秘密的,不公开的Covert military operations.
FrugalPrudent, sparing, thrifty节约的,节省的A very frugal existence
StintAbstemious节制、限制某人(尤其指食物)Don’t stint on the ream
ProdigalExtravagant, lavish, spendthrift, wasteful浪费的,挥霍的They are prodigal in their expenditures.
ActiveVivacious, active, animated, brisk, dynamic, energetic, lively活泼的An active member of the school’s theatre club
Naughtyprankish, impish, puck顽皮 的A naughty boy
ClumsyCumbersome, awkward, burdensome笨拙的,麻烦的He chided his son for being clumsy.
ExtraordinaryGigantic, huge, immense巨大的,惊人的She wears the most extraordinary g
ExceptionalRemarkable, stupendous例外的,奇特的She wears the most extraordinary get-up.
MiraculousWonderful, marvelous奇妙的He made a miraculous recovery.
BoldAudacious, daring ,valiant大胆的,莽撞的you are so bold that you never do something on second thought.
ProductiveProlific, fecund, fertile, fruitful多产的,丰富的They work hard, but their efforts are not very productive.
Barrensterile贫瘠的不毛之地A barren desert
IndigentImprovised, penniless , wretched贫困的,贫乏的Indigent migrants
VigilantCautious, prudent ary谨慎的,警觉的He has ot learn how to remain vigilant through these long nights.

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