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SAT阅读理解模拟练习题附答案和解析 第5期

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  SAT阅读练习题 Reading Comprehension Test 5参考答案

  1.Correct Answer: C


  The author is using the ‘rule of the road’ as a metaphor for social conduct. The whole extract is telling us to behave considerately toward others. Hence, answer C.

  2.Correct Answer: A


  The author refers to the old lady as ‘the dear old lady’, and yet he is disapproving of her behavior. He is assuming a tone of superiority and hence is best described as ‘condescending’. (Sardonic is mocking, or scornful, and is too strong for this case. Intolerant is not quite right because he is more pointing out the fault in her attitude than showing a lack of tolerance for her as a person.) sat

  3.Correct Answer: D


  The sentence, "It means that in order that the liberties of all may be preserved, the liberties of everybody must be curtailed," is an example of a paradox - an apparently contradictory statement. (Hyperbole is gross exaggeration; cliché is overused expression; simile is a comparison; and consonance is words with similar sounds.)

  4.Correct Answer: B


  The author’s main point is the need to behave with consideration...this is best covered by his statement in lines 56-57, "A reasonable consideration for the rights or feelings of others is the foundation of social conduct."

  5.Correct Answer: C


  The insolence of office is a situation in which an official who is doing his duty stops us and questions our behavior. It also has to be something that we at first resent, but then have to admit is socially necessary. This is best conveyed by answer C.

  6.Correct Answer: C


  To check a word meaning, go back to the sentence and insert another word of your own. In this case, replace the word ‘qualified’ - "But directly we step out of that kingdom, our personal liberty of action becomes qualified by other people's liberty." A word like ‘limited’ will fit best.

  7.Correct Answer: B


  The author gives numerous examples of things he can do with total freedom (lines 31-40). But he makes it clear that any activity that interferes with someone else’s liberty should not be permitted (lines 44-54).

  8.Correct Answer: A


  The author comments that, "We are all liable to forget this, and unfortunately we are much more conscious of the imperfections of others in this respect than of our own." In this he is pointing out that we are all likely to have this fault - hence answer A.

文章关键字: SAT 阅读理解 模拟 练习题






