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  SAT阅读练习题:Reading Comprehension Test 14

  Much of what goes by the name of pleasure is simply an effort

  to destroy consciousness. If one started by asking, what is

  man? what are his needs? how can he best express himself?

  one would discover that merely having the power to avoid work

  5 and live one’s life from birth to death in electric light and

  to the tune of tinned music is not a reason for doing so. Man

  needs warmth, society, leisure, comfort and security: he also

  needs solitude, creative work and the sense of wonder. If he

  recognized this he could use the products of science and

  10 industrialism eclectically, applying always the same test:

  does this make me more human or less human? He would then

  learn that the highest happiness does not lie in relaxing,

  resting, playing poker, drinking and making love simultaneously.

  1. The author implies that the answers to the questions in sentence two would reveal that human beings

  A. are less human when they seek pleasure

  B. need to evaluate their purpose in life

  C. are being alienated from their true nature by technology

  D. have needs beyond physical comforts

  E. are always seeking the meaning of life

  2. The author would apparently agree that playing poker is

  A. often an effort to avoid thinking

  B. something that gives true pleasure

  C. an example of man’s need for society

  D. something that man must learn to avoid

  E. inhuman

  Examine the recently laid egg of some common animal, such as

  a salamander or newt. It is a minute spheroid – an apparently

  structureless sac, enclosing a fluid, holding granules in

  suspension. But let a moderate supply of warmth reach its

  5 watery cradle, and the plastic matter undergoes changes so

  rapid, yet so steady and purposeful in their succession, that

  one can only compare them to those operated by a skilled

  modeler upon a formless lump of clay. As with an invisible

  trowel, the mass is divided and subdivided into smaller and

  10 smaller portions. And, then, it is as if a delicate finger

  traced out the line to be occupied by the spinal column, and

  molded the contour of the body; pinching up the head at one

  end, the tail at the other, and fashioning flank and limb

  into due proportions, in so artistic a way, that, after

  15 watching the process hour by hour, one is almost

  involuntarily possessed by the notion, that some more subtle

  aid to vision than a microscope, would show the hidden

  artist, with his plan before him, striving with skilful

  manipulation to perfect his work.

  3. The author makes his main point with the aid of

  A. logical paradox

  B. complex rationalization

  C. observations on the connection between art and science

  D. scientific deductions

  E. extended simile

  4. In the context of the final sentence the word “subtle” most nearly means

  A. not obvious

  B. indirect

  C. discriminating

  D. surreptitious

  E. scientific

重点单词   查看全部解释    
intact [in'tækt]


adj. 完好无缺的,原封不动的,未经触碰的

penetrating ['penitreitiŋ]


adj. 敏锐的,尖锐的,穿透的,透彻的

melancholy ['melənkɔli]


n. 忧沉,悲哀,愁思 adj. 忧沉的,使人悲伤的,愁

extended [iks'tendid]


adj. 延续的,广大的,扩大范围的 动词extend的

lump [lʌmp]


n. 团,块,瘤,笨重的人
v. 使成块,形成

surreptitious [.sʌrəp'tiʃəs]


adj. 鬼鬼祟祟的,保密的

indicate ['indikeit]


v. 显示,象征,指示
v. 指明,表明

contradictory [.kɔntrə'diktəri]


adj. 矛盾的 n. 矛盾

warrant ['wɔ:rənt]


n. 正当理由,根据,委任状,准许
vt. 保

pole [pəul]


n. 杆,柱,极点
v. (用杆)支撑





