我曾尝试阅读一本《红楼梦》的英译本。该译本竟把林黛玉直译成“Black Jade”(即黑色的玉)。翻了几页关于“Black Jade”小姐的事迹之后,我实在读不下去,不得不把译本放下。像“Black Jade”这样的名字,岂能与羞花闭月的孱弱女子相提并论!
Not only are there differences between Chinese and English, there are differences within each of the two languages as well.
Within the Chinese language, there are already discernible differences in the Chinese used in mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore.
"Thank you for your cooperation" is still often renderedas "Xiexie peihe" (“谢谢配合”) in mainland China. To most Chinese Singaporeans, this means: "Thank you for your co-ordination"!
Recently, I came across this Chinese word, tongli xin (同理心), which was not found in any of my dictionaries. It seemed to be a Taiwanese word which means empathy.
As for English, the same language is used very differently in different places like Great Britain, the United States, Singapore, the Philippines, India and so on. Talk to a non-Singaporean English-speaker about void decks and he or she would probably not know what you are talking about.
至于英文,同一个字在不同的地方有不同的用法。英文盛行于英国、美国、新加坡、菲律宾、印度等国家,但各国之间却用法不一。倘若我们对一名非新加坡人谈起“void deck”(即组屋底层)的话,他将不知所云。
In the Philippines, to salvage someone means to execute that person. And the word, evacuate, is not uttered in polite society. It means to move one's bowels.
These examples show how differences in culture exist among and within languages. The challenge for translators and interpreters is to be aware of these differences.
However, besides being aware of differences, they must also keep abreast of changes. As we enter the next Century and millennium, we must be adept at knowing or even coming out with