
时间:2005-12-18 20:30:26  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

1. 香格里拉饭店               SHANGRI-LA HOTEL  
2. 东方大酒店                 Oriental Hotel   
3. 湖滨花园酒店               lake view garden hotel    
4. 东湖大厦                   East Lake Hotel    
5. 港澳中心商务酒店           HK&Macao Center Business Hotel    
6. 亚洲大酒店                 WUHAN ASIA HOTEL   
7. 泰华大厦                   Taihua Hotel  
8. 白玫瑰大酒店               White Rose Hotel  
9. 长江大酒店                 the yangtze hotel    
10. 国宾大酒店                Wuhan Guo Bin Grand Hotel   
11. 璇宫饭店                  Xuangong Hotel    
12. 丽江饭店                  Lijiang Hotel        
1. 港澳中心瑞士酒店           Swissotel Beijing Hongkong Macau Center
2. 兆龙饭店                   ZHAOLONG HOTEL
3. 西苑饭店                   Xiyuan Hotel
4 . 嘉里中心饭店               The Kerry Center Hotel
5. 名人国际大酒店              Celebrity International Grand Hotel
6. 国际饭店                    Beijing International Hotel
7. 华侨大厦                    Prime Hotel
8. 北京和平里大酒店            Hotel in the peace of Beijing
9. 北京龙城皇冠假日酒店        Imperial crown holiday inn of the city of dragon of Beijing
1. 仁和宾馆                   Benevolence  hotel
2. 上海圣达大酒店             Shanghai shengda hotel
3. 上海鑫龙酒店               Prosperous dragon's hotels of Shanghai
4. 上海申华商务大酒店         Shanghai explains the commercial hotel of China
5. 上海长航宾馆        &nbs

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