
时间:2005-12-18 20:30:26  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
3. 南昌五湖大酒店           Five lake hotels of Nanchang
4. 南昌锦锋大酒店           Silk sharp point hotel of Nanchang
5. 江西七星商务酒店         Business hotel of seven stars of Jiangxi
6. 锦昌大酒店               Prosperous hotel of the silk
7. 吉伟宾馆                 Lucky big hotel
8 富豪酒店                  Rich and powerful people's hotels
9. 新天地酒店               Hotels of new field 
10. 明园大酒店              Hotel of bright garden 
1. 九江星河大酒店           Milky Way hotel of Jiujiang
2. 中景假期酒店             Vacation hotels of the medium shot
3. 天翔商务大酒店           It circles in the air in the commercial hotel
4. 九江欧迪大酒店           Europe of Jiujiang guides the hotel
5. 九江宾馆                 Hotel of Jiujiang
6. 其士九江大酒店           Hotel of its person's Jiujiang
7. 星河大酒店               Milky Way hotel
1. 新世界万怡酒店           New ten thousand world happy hotels
2. 鸿翔宾馆                 The swan circles in the air in the hotel
3. 沈阳东湖度假村           Holiday village of East Lake of Shenyang
4. 兰亭宾馆                 Holiday village of East Lake of Shenyang
5. 金碧大酒店               Hotel of blue pavilion
6. 沈阳新世界大酒店         Green hotel of goldNew world hotel of Shenyang
7. 沈阳皇朝万豪酒店         The emperor in Shenyang is towards Marriott Hotel
8. 房地产大厦               Real estate mansion
9. 世星国际饭店             Life star International Hotel
10. 沈阳假日酒店            Holiday inn of Shenyang
1. 荣源大酒店               Source hotel of the honour
2. 太阳神大酒店             Sun god's hotel
3. 元亨大酒店               Each hotel
4. 宁夏电力大酒店           Electric hotel of Ningxia
5. 虹桥大酒店             &nbs

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