讲第二个和吃东西有关的习惯用语: Potluck
“Pot”的意思是锅子,luck是运气。可是,我们现在讲的potluck是一个字。Potluck作为一个字,它指的是美国一种经常举行的聚会形式。也就是在某一个人,或几个人的提议下举行一个午餐会或晚餐会,但是参加聚会的每个人都要带一个菜或者带一种饭后甜食。主人除了为聚会提供场地外,也只要准备一个菜,或买一些饮料就行了。这就叫作:“Potluck lunch” or “potluck supper”
可以想象,举行Potluck的时候,大家能够尝到许多不同的食品。可是,要是你运气不好,好几个人带的东西你都不爱吃的话,那你就只好回家去那个greasy spoon吃点儿什么了。Potluck还有另外一个意思,那就是:有什么就要什么。用在吃的方面就成了:有什么吃什么的意思。比如,一个人碰到了好几年没见面的老朋友,他说:
例句-3:“Say, Charley, if you don’t have plans for tonight, why don’t you come out to our house and take potluck with us. Helen won’t have time to cook anything speical, but she can put an extra plate on the table for you.”
上面我们讲了美国习惯用语的一些特点以及两个和吃东西有关的习惯用语。一个是:Greasy Spoon是指价廉物美的小饭馆。
例句-4:“I’ve been so busy lately. Last week I went to a greasy spoon with a friend and this Sunday I’ve got to go a potluck.” 这句话的意思是:“我最近可忙了。上个周末我和一个朋友去一家小饭馆吃饭,这个星期天我得做一个菜去参加一个聚会。”
Words & Idioms
It goes in one ear and out the other.
to play by ear
今天我们要讲几个和耳朵,也就是ear有关的成语。中国人经常说那些不听劝告的人对别人的话总是“一个耳朵进一个耳朵出”,把它们当作“耳边风”,或者说“左耳朵进,右耳朵出”。美国人和中国人在这个说法上是完全一模一样。他们是这样说的: "It goes in one ear and out the other."
例句-1:"I told Sally it was foolish to marry that man, but it went in one ear and out the other. Now she wishes she'd listened to me. He drinks and gambles and she wants to leave him."
例句-2:"How many times have I told you to get to work on time. But my words just go in one ear and out the other. So I don't have any choice but to fire you."
下面我们要讲的一个习惯用语是: to play by ear
Play就是玩的意思。可是,play by ear的意思并不是“玩耳朵”。这个词汇的来源和音乐有关系。它原来指的是那些会弹钢琴或某种乐器,但是却不会看五线谱的人。每当他们要弹奏某个曲调时,他们只能凭着上一回听到的记忆来弹。可是play by ear现在已经成为日常用语了,意思是做一件事不是事先有计划的,而是走着瞧,临时决定。例如,你被请到某处去讲话,可是又没有时间准备。你就可以对听众说:
例句-3:"I haven't had a chance to prepare any notes so all I can do is start talking and play it by ear."
例句-4:"I am not sure if my wife wants me to go shopping with her on Sunday. If she decides to go with her sister instead, then I can play tennis with you. Let's just play it by ear."