正确说美语口语:I can't tell fake from real

时间:2006-6-23 23:25:33  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
正确说美语口语:I can't tell fake from real

I can't tell fake from real.真假难辨.
I can't distinguish between fake and real.我分不清真假.

You are old enough now to distinguish between right and wrong/tell right from wrong.你已经到了能够分辨是非的年龄了.
Today's homework:Try to translate this dialogue!

A:Here is the money. 给你钱.
B:I'm sorry but I have to check it on the machine. 对不起,我要用机器检验一下.
A:Suit yourself. 随你便吧.
B:Your money tested fake. 检验结果你的钱是假钞.
A:You mean this is funny money?You gotta be kidding. 你说这是假钞.你在开玩笑吧.
B:No,I'm not kidding.These days they make fake money so well that you can’t tell fake from real just by looking at them. 不,我没开玩笑.最近伪钞近乎真钞,光用肉眼是难辨真伪的.

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