正确说美语口语:It's selling like hot cakes

时间:2006-6-23 23:32:00  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
正确说美语口语:It's selling like hot cakes

畅销,大卖,很抢手 sell like hot cakes
畅销商品 hot item, hot number
最畅销,最抢手的,排名top 1的 a best seller
热门电影 hit movie
热门歌曲 hit number / hit song

Today's homework:Try to translate this dialogue!

A:You are driving a Corolla.你开的是花冠.
B:Yes,I am.This is a Toyota.是的.这是"丰田"的车.
A:Is it?I hear the Japanese-made cars are pretty good in terms of price and quality.是吗?听说日本产的车在价格和性能上都很不错.
B:You heard it right.Toyota Corollas are selling like hot cakes in the U.S. and Canada.没错. "丰田"的花冠在美国和加拿大相当畅销.
A:I'll bet.Every time I drive in the city I find a Toyota Corolla or two passing by me.我相信.在市区开车时,都会看到一两辆"丰田"花冠从旁驶过.

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