实用美语之爱恋篇:I Am Going After Her

时间:2006-7-2 22:06:08  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
实用美语之爱恋篇:I Am Going After Her

I Am Going After Her.

(1) I want to go after her.

(2) He is chasing me.

(3) I am seeking her affection.

(4) He is courting me.

I Met Someone.

A) Could this be love?

  • I have just met the woman of my life.
  • It was love at first sight.
  • She's totally awesome!
  • He is perfect for me.
  • I'm crazy for her/ I'm crazy about her.
  • He is all I need!
  • She is the right one.
  • With him, I'm in pure heaven.
  • I'm so into her.
  • You light up my life.
  • She gives me reason to live.
  • I'm in "7th Heaven" with him!
  • She's all that!

B) Maybe you should keep looking.

  • She cramps my style.
  • He weirds me out.
  • There's no chemistry between us.
  • He doesn't do it for me.
  • She's not my type.

    Beware of Playboys!

  • (1)Womanizer: That womanizer hits on every woman he sees.

    (2) Player: He has a reputation as a player. Don't go out with him.

  • Tip:  Incredible

    由低到高排列:  good -- great -- wonderful -- incredible

    e.g. A: She got straight A's

           B: That's incredible.


    (1) Ture or False

    A: How are you doing today?

    B: I am incredible.

    Answer: __________

    (2) What's the phrase of "一见钟情" in English?

    Answer: __________________

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