实用美语之爱恋篇:Order Flowers By Phone

时间:2006-7-2 22:10:34  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
实用美语之爱恋篇:Order Flowers By Phone

Order Flowers By Phone

1. I would like to buy two dozen multi roses/one hundred long-stemmed, red roses.

2. Could you arrange the flowers in a bouquet/basket/vase/wreath?

3. Could you also throw in some baby's breath/greens?

4. Please deliver them to this address.

5. When will my order arrive?


Flower Shop!

cysleilei: Hello. Welcome to cysleilei's Flower Shop. May I help you?

Mathew: Yes, I'm looking for some flowers for my girlfriend.

cysleilei: Is it a special occasion?

Mathew: Not really. I just want to show her how much I love her.

cysleilei: How nice. Maybe a dozen red roses would be fitting then.

Mathew: Yes, that sounds perfect. Would it be possible for you to throw in some lilies as well? Those are her favorite flowers.

cysleilei: No problem. We have some fresh ones that arrived just this morning.

Mathew: Excellent. I'd like to have those delivered, please.

cysleilei: Very well. The address, sir?

Mathew: It's 75 Baseline Road.

cysleilei: And what time would you like those delivered, sir?

Mathew: Could you bring them by at about five o'clock this evening, please?

cysleilei: Of course, sir. Thank you and have a nice day.

Mathew: You too.

Care Instructions for Your Flowers

1. Thoroughly clean your favorite vase and fill with lukewarm water and the contents of the floral preservative package.

2. Fill sink with water and submerge ends of stems. Using a sharp knife, cut at least one inch off the bottom of the stems on an angle.

3. Place flowers in vase immediately. Keep vase filled with fresh water.

4. Displaying your flowers away from direct sunlight and drafts will help prolong their freshness.





3."Special occasion"的中文解释?

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