The first and simplest was to wander through the whole building from end to end and describe the products of the various nations one after the other. This plan smacked too much of a guidebook.
The second possibility was implied by the appointment of the so-called Head Juries: namely, a classification of objects made by the Royal Commission, by which things were first arranged spatially, then assigned to the departments of the juries. This plan was wisely conceived and is of interest to future undertakings of this kind. Everything was divided into four main divisions:
1. Raw materials,
2. Machinery,
3. Manufactures,
4. Fine art.
1、 生材料
2、 机械
3、 产品
4、 艺术品
1、smack of:是一个词组,意思是:带有...味道;有点象
2、Juries:“jury”的复数形式,n.[律] 陪审团, 评判委员会, 陪审员
那么,那个“Head Juries”,我就翻译成“主要评审小组”
3、spatially,按照字面上的意思,应该是:空间地, 存在于空间地
昨天在和朋友讨论时,也有同学引伸为“大范围地”, 我觉得也有一定道理,这里也欢迎大家一起来讨论这个词汇在翻译时的用词
4、Fine art,这是一个专业术语,是指“高级艺术”,这里有个相关背景,就是在过去的欧洲,人们按习惯于将绘画、建筑等归为“高级艺术”,而将其它诸于陶艺等的应用美术作为“低等艺术”,这是一种传统形式下对艺术品种类的划分