Be past praying for没有指望了,无法挽回了
He says that with that man as their president, their school is past praying for.
Pop the question to…向……求婚
When he popped the question to me, he swore that I would be the only person he would love. Now, only two years after we got married, the picture is completely a different one.
Keep one’s skirt on不发脾气,镇定自若
He could keep his shirt on even if he’s very angry. He never loses his temper nor does fly into a rage.
Turn thumbs down on…不赞成……,反对……
My father always turns thumbs down on our playing with girls or making fun of them.
Not hold water不合清理;站不住脚,行不通
His theories sound stimulating and encouraging but unfortunately, in the present condition of our society they do not hold water, for our management systems are far from being sufficient.
make a noise in the world引起轰动,名噪一时
he was aiming at making a noise in the world by his way of management, but it fell flat. Nobody took notice of it.
Lead someone by the nose牵者某人的鼻子走
Since the day when Frank become our manager, our company has always been leading the way instead of being led by the nose by other companies.
Have someon’s number对某人心中有数,知道某人的底细
Don’t boast to me! ‘ve had your number since the first day of my coming to this company.
Improve the occasion抓住时机并因势利导
If I were th President, I would avail myself of the opportunity and impove the occasion instead of waging a crack-down on them.
Ask no odds不要求特殊照顾
You should ask no odds from the company, for you have not done anything special and contributed much to the company.
Put someone through his paces检测(考验)某人的能力
Playing a lone hand may be one of the most effective ways to put one through his paces and working with a group of people may test one’s organiztional ability.
Show one’s paces显示出自己的本领
She says that she’s willing to take any job offer after graduation, so long as the job offers the opportunities for show her paces.
The family skeleton不可外扬的家丑
All familes are same, only that each may has its own skeleton in the cupboard.
Cast pearls before swine对牛弹琴
Tell them something about nonverbal communication skills? That is to cast peals before swine.
Pennies from heaven意外的收获;天上掉馅饼
There are no pennies from heaven. You’ll have to work hard to achieve what you have been dreaming of.