
时间:2007-3-1 22:22:35  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

Going to the Cinema


  Key Sentences(重点句子)

  738. Would you like to see the movie Forget Me Not?


  739.They say the heroine is played by Jane Fonda.


  740. I've already got the tickets reserved at the box office.


  741. You just wait for me in your place, and I'll come and pick you up at 6:30.


  742.Thank you very much for inviting me.


  743. Let's hope the movie's good.


  744. What else is on the program?


  745. I suppose there's the usual cartoon.


  746.The critics in Times said it was rather light and colorful and entertaining.

  《泰晤士报》的影评家认为,这个片子主题轻松,内容丰 富,情节引人。

  747. We'll have a better idea after seeing it ourselves,don't you think so?


  748. What did the review say about the movie?


  749. Sh! We'd better stop annoying people around us.


  Dialogue A

  A:Would you like to see the movie Forget Me Not?

  B:It's a new one, I suppose?

  A:You bet. They say the heroine is played by Jane Fonda.

  B:Good, Fonda's my favorite star. I must go and see it.

  A:I've already got the tickets reserved at the box office. You just wait for me in your place, and I'll come and pick you up at 6:30.

  B:Thank you very much for inviting me. I'll be expecting you.

  Dialogue B

  A:Did you see the dirty look the usher gave us when we rushed past him down the aisle?

  B:Well, who cares? Let's hope the movie's good.

  A:What else is on the program?

  B:I suppose there's the usual cartoon.

  A:What did the review say about the movie?

  B:Not too bad. The critics in Times said it was rather light and colorful and entertaining. The Daily News gave it three stars.

  A:But mind you, you can't always rely on the reviews. We'll have a better idea after seeing it ourselves, don't you think so?

  B:Yes,I guess you're right. Well, these seats aren't bad,are they? We're pretty lucky, after all.

  A:Sh!We'd better stop annoying people around us.

  B:Sorry, I didn't realize I was talking so loudly.

  Words and Expressions

  heroine          n. 女主角

  box office                 票房

  usher               n. 引座员

  cartoon         n. 动画片

  entertaining a. 有趣的;使人娱乐的

  annoy              vt. 使烦恼;打搅

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