1. Never accept failure, no matter how often it visit you. Keep on going. Never give up, never.
2. Advice when most needed is least heeded.
3. A good beginning is half done.
4. You cannot sell the cow and sup the milk.
5. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
6. Love me, love my dog.
7. By ignorance we mistake, and by mistake we learn.
8. Nothing comes out of nothing.
t→d, p→b, k→g
当浊音s后遇到t,p,k, 且s为重音时,出现浊化
Stop complaining. Actions speak louder than words.
You scared me. Don’t measure anyone by your own scale.
It’s better than nothing. We are making progress. Do you have any openings?
附:在英语中用来表达"极其, 非常, 很"的方式2
7) highly adv.
highly pleased, highly skilled, highly interesting, highly enjoyable
This is a highly amusing film.
8) greatly adv.
greatly moved by his kindness , greatly to be feared
We are greatly obliged to you for your help.
9) deeply adv. ——greatly
We are deeply obliged to you for your help.
10) one hundred percent
I am sure the figure is one hundred percent correct.