Mike: Miracle of miracles! I managed to get back to my cart just as it's my turn to be totaled! I'm here.
Female Customer: Computer break-down !
Mike: Computer break-down?
Female Customer: Not to worry. It never takes more than a half hour to clear up!
Mike: A half hour?! But you have only one more item to total. Can't you do it in your head?
Female Customer: Sorry, sir. We're not allowed to.
(Finally the computer kicks in and Mike's agony is gone.)
Bagger: Paper or plastic, sir?
Mike: Ellen!
Bagger: Hi, Mike!
Mike: (Saying to Victor in a low voice) She's the new girl in my history class, the one I've been dying to meet!
Bagger: Are you going to the school dance this Friday?
Mike: Uh, I am, if you are.
Bagger: Then I guess I'll be seeing you at the dance, Mike!
Mike: Count on it! (He waves good-bye to Ellen.) Oh, wow! Oh, wow! What was I
saying to myself before I met Ellen? Oh, now I remember. I can't think of anything I enjoy more than shopping!
Long Conversations
Victor: Hey, Mike! Where are you off to?
Mike: I'm heading for the Price Chopper. I do a lot of the family shopping since my mom got a part-time job.
Victor: Can you give me a ride? I want to get some drinks.
Mike: Sure! Let's go!
Victor: Do you enjoy shopping?
Mike: Enjoy? I don't mind admitting I hate shopping almost as much as I hate algebra.
Correction! I hate shopping even more than I hate algebra.
Victor: Yipes! A loose shopping cart!
B: (They walk in from the entrance.)
Mike: Today I'm proud of myself. I remembered to bring along my shopping list.
Victor: You're becoming an experienced shopper!
Mike: Gosh! Wrong shopping list!
Victor: I'm sorry to hear that.
Mike: But it's okay! I'm sure I can remember most of the six or seven items that my mom wanted me to pick up.
Victor: Watch out for the cart, Mike!
Mike: Thanks! You know, as I scamper through the aisles I can always successfully avoid the flying carts of my fellow shoppers.
Victor: Whew! That was close!
C: (They move up and down the aisles.)
Mike: Victo