
时间:2007-4-5 22:29:22  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

181. Dont lose your head。                     不要惊慌失措。
182. He cant take a joke.                      他开不得玩笑。
183. He owes my uncle $100.                  他欠我叔叔100美元。
184. How are things going?                     事情进展得怎样?
185. How are you recently?                     最近怎么样?


A: Are you free this weekend?                     (你这个周末有空吗?)

B: No, I’m afraid not. I have lots of work to do. (恐怕没空,我有很多工作要做。)

A: Oh, come on. All work and no play make John a dull boy.


B: Ok, then let’s make it this Saturday night. How about going to the rose restaurant?                 (好吧,那我们星期六晚上见。去玫瑰餐厅怎么样?)

A: Ok, I’ll come and pick you up at 7 o’clock.  (好的,我7点钟来接你。)


186. I know all about it.                      我知道有关它的一切。
187. It really takes time.                      这样太耽误时间了。
188. Its against the law.                      这是违法的。
189. Love me,love my dog.                 爱屋及乌。(谚语)
190. My mouth is watering.                   我要流口水了。


A: Can I have a word with you?                     (我想和你说几句话。)

B: Yes, what is it?                               (你有什么事吗?)

A: I wonder if you could help me with my English. (你能帮我补一下英语吗?)

B: Yes, of course. And what time?                 (当然可以,什么时候?)

A: Will you be free at 8 o’clock tomorrow evening? (你明天晚上8点钟有空吗?)

B: That will be fine.                               (好的。)

A: Good. See you then.                            (好,再见。)


Every man is a poet when he is in love. 每个恋爱中的人都是诗人。

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