
时间:2005-5-13 15:38:23  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

people who know how to use words concisely and accurately find it easier to achieve their aims.而且:

In fact formal education has less relationship to vocabulary achievement than you might expect. People can improve their word power on their own way.(Quoting from <> )

俞敏洪在它的GRE词汇书上说:想想那些在Harvard, Yale, Stanford 的留学生,你就知道该做什么了!!!

从众多的耳濡目染之中,我总结了一条颠簸不破的道理,那就是 :背得单词,百事可作!!!
所以, 不要却问为什么要背单词,而应该去问我为什么不背单词.告诫大家,when we donnot wanna recite vocabulary,then you tell yourself: 背得单词,百事可作!!!just like chewing gum!!!

1. 就近要背多少词汇?
2. 考研要求5300,很多名师,高手都说不够.真的吗?其实,正如我回答一位朋友所言:not asking how many words you have recited ,but asking how many words you have remembered. 很多人背的多,但忘得更多.在此我提供两个数据?1)高校英语专业4级考试考察熟练词汇2500;(2)熟练:记忆:背诵=1:2:4.智者可以看出里面的关系, 我就不浪费了!

3. 用那本词汇书?
4. 这个问题以前已经回答过了!

5. 我集中化一个月的时间来背词汇可以吗?
6. 如果你四肢发达,头脑简单,no problem!但你是头脑发达, 四肢简单(95% 的研友是这样),many problems!我就听说有位朋友得了vocabulary syndrome,精神出问题了!我们应该把背词汇当作一项持久战来打,from July to January.

7. 词汇记不住这么办?
8. 不用急,我也一样,天上还有太阳,明天还有时间.

9. 背单词累了我背政治可以吗?看数学呢?
10. NO-NO-NO!!!这叫做以毒攻毒,一般没有好下场.原理大家可以看看相关的书,我之提供解药.无论在何种情况下的词汇记忆,累了出去走一走, 喝杯澄汁或可乐(建议前者),then use your brain to recall what you have recited.或者听一听英语歌曲,在这之后你才可以干别的.

11. 阅读中遇到生词这么办?
12. 在12月以后不要出现这种问题.在现在,你应该用你的辞典(参考我以前的建议),千万不要用你的便携器.不怕功夫深,只怕君没心.

13. 使用辞典太费时了!
14. 在化费时间与降低难度之间,我宁愿choose the later.

15. 阅读要做220篇吗?
16. 没那么夸张,关键在于你究竟弄懂了几篇.what are the criteria of understanding ?The criteria are :no strange vocabulary ,no unclear clauses ,no err when you meet it again!

17. 我的词汇背完了,现在该干什么?
18. 真的吗?cease chamber via ebb flow vs.这些词汇你都认得吗?Donnot cheat yourself!

Here I answered some crucial problems of English test.May be they are so trivial that they are not worthy to discuss detailedly .BUT I believe : no bricks, no mansions!
And I am very sorry to use some English clauses in this paper,but I have to improve my velocity of tapping key-board .I donnot predominate the operation of WUBIZHIXIN.

很多人都在抱怨:我的基础太差,记忆力不行,时间有紧,how to improve my test skills?
然后就想没头苍蝇一样乱转,美其名日:蜜蜂采蜜.Today I will tell you that you should not collect many inference books, and list a stern plan of 5W.In my opinion,the most crucial job of learning English is : take it easy, and decrease the content of memory.Here are some methods of how to learning English easily.
1. 不要太在意自己的发音,因为考研不考听力,只要能够把发音和拼写对上号就行了.


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