Always seek to be clear and lively in your interpretation. If a speaker is having to use a language other than her/his normal working language, try to convey the message with clarity. Never add your own comments or alter the emphasis of what is said. Your job is to communicate the speaker’s intended meaning, not to alter it. Be precise and remember the golden rule: as literally as possible, as freely as necessary. Be fluent in your delivery and as close to the patterns of spontaneous speech as possible. Dot not speak in sharp bursts followed by long pauses, nor in a monotonous `sing-song`. Match your register to that of the speaker and the audience If the speaker is using simple, plain words do not distort the original by using abstruse terms or particularly arcane expressions. Conversely, do not lapse into a familiar or jocular tone on formal occasions.
Keep your voice down, especially when interpreting a fast or difficult speaker, it will also help you to remain calm. If there is a considerable difference in volume between your voice and that of your colleague, ask the sound engineer to adjust the output volume whenever you switch from one to the other. Try always to speak at an equal distance from the mike and do not turn away from it while interpreting. Do not rustle papers, pour out glasses of water, drum your fingers on the work surface, etc., in front of an open mike. Avoid noisy bangles in the booth.
If you have to switch off in the middle of interpreting, use the cough button and not the main switch which returns listeners to floor. If the cough button does not work, let the sound engineer know.
Check, when you enter the booth, that the mikes are not on.
There are some meetings where it may be appropriate to establish contact with your listeners, so that they can give you feedback on terminology, etc. This can be done by introducing yourself at the start of the meeting: “Good morning, this is…, in the x booth. We would appreciate it if you would always speak into a microphone, not read too fast and we would be grateful for comments on terminology. Thank you.“ It encourages delegates to seek out the interpreters if something is not quite right but do not introduce yourself in th