[四级考后美文欣赏] 艾米丽·迪金森的诗两首
Summer for Thee, Grant I May Be请允许我成为你的夏季Summer for thee, grant I may beWhen summer days are flown!Thy music still, when WhippoorwillAnd Oriole—are done!For thee to bloom, I’ll skip2012-03-05 编辑:Daisy
[2013年1月ABC News] ABC新闻:艾米丽的在著作中的大胆证明
Emily attest to the fact that whether looking at the present or the past, neighbours have both enriched and ruined our lives.艾米丽证明是否现在或过去,邻居是否富裕并毁了我们的生活。2013-01-28 编辑:mike