[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:司法部宣布新的宽大的指导方针 Guidelines
Thousands of people doing time in federal prison for non-violent drug offenses could soon go free. Deputy Attorney General James Cole says many were convicted under out-of-date laws and sentenced un..2014-04-30 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:出台相关规定来管理日托所的牛奶服务
Democratic lawmakers in Connecticut are pushing a bill that would force all day care providers to only serve skim or 1% milk to children two and older.2014-05-04 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:CT学生在高中被刺伤 Stabbing
Police in Milford, Connecticut say it was some sort of fight between a male and female student that led to a stabbing of the female student in a hallway at Jonathan Law High School.2014-05-05 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:用仿生学的眼睛看世界 Bionic Eye
A new high-tech procedure is giving blind patients their sight. After FDA approval last year, four people in the U.S. have undergone surgical implantation of a 'bionic eye.'2014-05-06 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:NBA联盟调查快船老板的种族歧视言论 Racist
A new high-tech procedure is giving blind patients their sight. After FDA approval last year, four people in the U.S. have undergone surgical implantation of a 'bionic eye.'2014-05-07 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:俄州参议员提议“美国衣着法案” Wear American Act
The 'Wear American Act' would mandate that when the Federal government buys apparel like uniforms, that they come from American companies and are made by American workers.2014-05-01 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:3名美国医生在阿富汗医院被杀 3 Doctors Killed
The three doctors were working at an international hospital in the capital Kabul when an Afghan security guard working there turned his gun on them. Two others were injured.2014-05-02 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:FDA提议电子烟相关规定 E-Cigarette Regulation
The proposal from the Food and Drug Administration would ban the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors and add health warning labels to the popular nicotine devices.2014-05-03 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:佛罗里达监狱爆炸,至少2人死亡百人受伤
Officials describe a big blast at the Escambia County Jail in Pensacola, Florida just before midnight last night [Wednesday], causing the building to partially collapse with some 600 prisoners insid..2014-05-08 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:尼日利亚为寻找遗失女孩而请求帮助
The kidnapped girls have been held captive for nearly a month now — 53 managed to escape but 276 remain missing. Britian and the U.S. are offering to help. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney say..2014-05-12 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:奥巴马政府发布有关气候变化的报告
The report, called the National Climate Assessment, was sponsored by the federal government but written by scientists, who conclude that global warming is here and can be seen with hotter, drought-f..2014-05-13 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:美国派遣队前往尼日利亚帮助寻找被绑架少女
While armed forces are not being ordered to Nigeria, the U.S. has dispatched a team of law enforcement and military personnel skilled in intelligence and hostage negotiations.2014-05-15 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:招聘!都有哪些公司在寻找呢?
Brightstar is a national home healthcare company currently looking for registered nurses and home health aides. They especially want to see new grads with nursing degrees apply. Each year they creat..2014-05-14 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:国家报告单显示12年级生的数量并没有增长
12th-graders — largely stagnant, since the last time they took this test in 2009. Only about one-quarter of high school seniors reaching the proficient level in math, 38% hitting the mark in reading..2014-05-16 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:弗吉尼亚州县考虑提出控制家庭聚会的人数的法案
"A lawsuit waiting to happen" — that's what one Fairfax County, Virginia supervisor says about a plan to ban "frequent, large gatherings in neighborhood homes there". Public comm..2014-05-17 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:在罗德岛,马戏团表演者出现意外
Some 4,000 people, mostly families and children, were watching Sunday at the Dunkin'Donuts Center in Providence a stunt, in which eight Ringling Brothers performers hang from a metal frame like ..2014-05-10 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:孩子门的错误使用导致更多的伤害
Researchers at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio say nearly 2,000 kids six and under visit emergency rooms each year in the U.S. from injuries resulting from falling through or cl..2014-05-11 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:总统奥巴马和总理默克尔召开联合新闻发布会
A unified front from German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Obama — both leaders in the White House Rose Garden telling Russia it can avoid further sanctions.2014-05-09 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:土耳其矿难已有200人遇难
The explosion happened during a shift change, so more than 700 miners were inside, at least 200 are still trapped.2014-05-18 编辑:max
[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:新的报告指出烟草农场童工的健康问题
Kids working U.S. tobacco fields are getting maimed by farm equipment and poisoned by pesticides and nicotine, says Human Rights Watch. But nobody's done anything wrong.2014-05-19 编辑:max