[他她话题] 他她话题:你想要哪一类型的女友?
There as many types of girlfriends as there are types of boyfriends。女朋友有很多种,有多少种类型的男友也就有多少种类型的女友。Fortunately for you, we are not going to break them down according to th2012-03-09 编辑:jasmine
[他她话题] 盘点五大类型女友:你想要哪一型?
There as many types of girlfriends as there are types of boyfriends。女朋友有很多种,有多少种类型的男友也就有多少种类型的女友。Fortunately for you, we are not going to break them down according to th2012-06-13 编辑:justxrh
[] 如何让你的女性朋友发展为女友
1970-01-01 编辑:
[他她话题] 恋爱指南:如何应付一个野蛮女友?
Girls are not easy to comprehend or handle.女生让人琢磨不透,也难以对付。While mood swings and unpredictable behaviour are common traits of women, there are a handful who add unreasonable difficulty2012-07-31 编辑:justxrh
[时事新闻] 82岁金融大鳄索罗斯将娶40岁女友
Billionaire investor George Soros had a lot to celebrate on Saturday evening: his 82nd birthday and the engagement to his much younger girlfriend, Tamiko Bolton.亿万富翁、投资家乔治•索罗斯上周六2012-08-14 编辑:justxrh
[恋爱物语] 恋爱宝典 怎样做个完美女友
With just a few simple tips, you can be the perfect girlfriend - making him want to be the perfect boyfriend. Learn with VideoJug how to do all you need to, to become the perfect girlfriend and look2012-09-04 编辑:qihui
[恋爱物语] 与女友的朋友相处融洽 爱情更加甜蜜
Survive the dangers of meeting your girlfriend's friends with VideoJug's relationship guide. We will show you all you need to know to help you get along with your girlfriend's2012-09-05 编辑:qihui
[娱乐新闻] 法国杂志刊登第一女友泳装照 被罚2000欧元
French First Lady Valérie Trierweiler on Wednesday won damages from a magazine for putting photographs of her in a bikini on its front cover, even though she works for a rival glossy that published2012-09-06 编辑:justxrh
[他她话题] 女友过生日送什么? 6大最贴心生日礼物选择!
Let's face it - men have been born with the tendency to forget their girlfriend's birthdays. So even if she lets him get away with not noticing new haircuts, or new clothes; she would2012-09-10 编辑:justxrh
[恋爱物语] 即兴送出小礼物 轻松赢得女友芳心
You forgot didn't you? Don't panic. Here are some quick ideas to get you out of a tight corner wh2012-11-01 编辑:qihui
[缘分天注定] 听电影《缘分天注定》学英语第02期:找一份礼物给女友
原文欣赏One pair of gloves for two people?一对手套,送两个人? This is hard to explain. Try. 一言难尽,即管说来听。 All right.&nb2012-11-05 编辑:justxrh
[缘分天注定] 听电影《缘分天注定》学英语第04期:迷上人家的女友?
原文欣赏Mm-hmm. It was a very nice time.今晚很愉快。 Well, I hope you enjoy the gloves you bought yourself. Oh, I'm2012-11-14 编辑:justxrh
[影视动态] 密友称贾斯汀·比伯和女友分手后仍是朋友
这周有一个非常令人遗憾的消息,好莱坞最受喜爱的年轻情侣——赛琳娜·戈麦斯(Selena Gomez)和贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)几年的甜蜜时光终究抵不过“分手”两个字。虽然双方都对此保持沉默(不然就是模棱两可),但两人的好友日前透露了重磅消息。最棒的是什么呢?赛琳娜很洒脱——而且她和贾斯汀还是朋友!《青春密语》(The Secret Life2012-11-19 编辑:lily
[影视动态] 希恩·拉博夫与女友卡洛琳分手
希恩·拉博夫(Shia LaBeouf)再度恢复单身了。据《Us周刊》报道,这位《无法无天》(Lawless)男星已经与交往近两年的女友卡洛琳·冯(Karolyn Pho)分手了。知情人士透露,前迪斯尼台明星拉博夫已经和造型师女友分开一段时间了。而如今他似乎已经有了新的恋情。近日,26岁的拉博夫被拍到与一位金发美女共度周末。2011年,拉博夫与卡洛琳在洛杉矶Echo2012-11-27 编辑:lily
[小故事背诵达人] 小故事背诵达人 第126期:Your Girlfriend in the Car
个人在酒吧里喝了几小时的酒后,提到自己女友还待在外面车子里。外面很冷,酒保有点担心,便出去看看情况。他往车内一看,只见那家伙的朋友戴夫正在和他女友接吻。2012-12-12 编辑:melody
[他她话题] 调查:半数男性会原谅女友的同性外遇
一项关于出轨的新研究显示,半数男人能原谅女友的不忠,只要外遇对象是个女人。2013-02-28 编辑:shaun
[恋爱物语] 鲜花传递浪漫情怀 为女友送上温馨祝福
当然,你可以上网,把你看到的第一种花预订下来。但是稍微花费一点心思和计划,可以让你给她留下深刻印象。2013-05-17 编辑:qihui
[恋爱物语] 为女友送上贴心礼物 制造浪漫难忘回忆
你非常爱她,希望展示对她的爱有多深。通过几种方法,制造难忘的回忆。2013-05-15 编辑:qihui
[囧司徒每日秀] 囧司徒每日秀:法国总统又换女友了
奥朗德来美赴宴,座上席花落谁家。熊爸吆喝卖笔记,扣叔 笑卖微波炉。谁叫卖的更巧妙。看完立马见分晓。2014-02-28 编辑:kekenet
[看老友记学英语] 《老友记》视听精讲第342期:乔伊把女友的“腿”扔进了火里
So, I picked up a log and threw it on. Or, at least what I thought was a log. 所以,我就拿起一条木柴丢进去了,至少我以为那是一条木柴。2020-05-07 编辑:spring