[体育新闻] 没有保罗导航,快船该如何继续航行?
这已经不是J.J-雷迪克第一次看到克里斯-保罗受伤了——在大多数情况下保罗会带着伤继续作战。2017-01-22 编辑:villa
[体育新闻] 雄鹿击沉快船,小乔丹独木难支!
迟来的反扑,即便小乔丹贡献22分17个篮板,依旧未能帮助球队免于被雄鹿击败。布莱克-格里芬没能把握住绝杀的机会,最终快船遗憾的输给了雄鹿。2017-03-20 编辑:villa
[体育新闻] 船勇大战 往事只能回味
勇士对快船已经拿到了11连胜。这场持久的一较高下应该落下帷幕了。2017-11-06 编辑:villa
[体育新闻] 交易太无情 格里芬被快船踢下船
快船队和活塞队完成一笔交易,快船队将布雷克·格里芬、威力·里德和布赖斯·约翰逊交易至活塞,得到托拜厄斯·哈里斯、艾弗里·布拉德利、博班·马里亚诺维奇、1个2018年首轮选秀权和1个2019年次轮选秀权。2018-02-02 编辑:villa
[美国小学英语教材6] 美国小学英语教材6:第62课 洋基快速船(1)
Do you remember how Columbus's ship looked, with its high, blunt bow and stern? Then came the Yankee clippers, the swiftest and most beautiful sailing ships ever built.2019-01-08 编辑:Wendy
[美国小学英语教材6] 美国小学英语教材6:第64课 洋基快速船(3)
Congress has decided suddenly to increase the navy, the young officer explained, and the orders are going out to build twelve ships in haste. One of the contracts is to come to you, if you will take..2019-01-10 编辑:Wendy
[美国小学英语教材6] 美国小学英语教材6:第65课 洋基快速船(4)
You have her thought out to the last ring, block, and halyard, Humphrey would say, and you never even knew if you could build her. What a dreamer you are!2019-01-11 编辑:Wendy
[体育新闻] 复仇快船 格里芬重回斯台普斯中心
底特律活塞队大前锋布雷克·格里芬,首次重返斯台普斯中心,爆砍44分,并带领底特律活塞队,以109比104战胜了老东家洛杉矶快船队。2019-01-15 编辑:villa
[美国小学英语教材6] 美国小学英语教材6:第67课 洋基快速船(6)
There was a certain old sailor, however, who scoffed at all claims of the ship's speed, and who even refused to believe the record that she was making from day to day.2019-01-16 编辑:Wendy
[美国小学英语教材6] 美国小学英语教材6:第66课 洋基快速船(5)
There were many lively encounters during that little war, many feats of daring seamanship of which history has lost sight. But for years after the struggle was over, the United States still policed ..2019-01-15 编辑:Wendy
[美国小学英语教材6] 美国小学英语教材6:第69课 洋基快速船(8)
Eighteen days, scoffed the other, that is past any man's belief. Ships move by sails, not wings! Eighteen days, repeated Humphrey sternly. I promise you that you will hear of our voyage made in ..2019-01-21 编辑:Wendy
[美国小学英语教材6] 美国小学英语教材6:第70课 洋基快速船(9)
The days passed while the men grew weaker and more sluggish at their work, but still the breeze held and the speed of the West Wind did not falter.2019-01-23 编辑:Wendy
[美国小学英语教材6] 美国小学英语教材6:第68课 洋基快速船(7)
Why, it cannot be done! he cried. Not even pirate ships, it seemed, could fly on such swift wings. There are favorable winds and chances for good luck on the eastern passage, but when your prow is t..2019-01-18 编辑:Wendy
[体育新闻] 王炸交易!都是洛杉矶 应该没有什么不同?
随着科怀·伦纳德和保罗·乔治加盟快船,快船成功升级为航空母舰2019-07-10 编辑:villa
[体育新闻] 洛杉矶 权力的游戏
湖人和快船之间的竞争不仅在于两者在同一个城市,还在于两者在同一个球馆里进行主场比赛。2019-07-11 编辑:villa
[篮球英文堂] 篮球英文堂(MP3+中英字幕) 第238期:乔治谈交易至快船
猛龙?是啊,让我们告诉她你被交易到猛龙队了。2019-12-27 编辑:Andersen