[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第96期:不声不响
Yes, it's impolite of her. She was as quiet as a mouse and left. 是的,她真没礼貌。她不声不响就离开了。2014-11-24 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第97期:不识抬举
What the hell is in his mind? Didn't he think it unwise to bring a cow to the hall and she will run to the byre? 他的心里究竟在想什么?难道他不知道不识抬举是不明智的吗?2014-11-25 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第98期:不择手段
As you know, the end justifies the means, so you should carry it out by hook or by crook, 如你所知,为达目的不择手段,因此你应不择手段完成它。2014-11-26 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第99期:不知死活
He's really heedless of conflequences. Sooner or later he will ask for trouble. 他真是不知死活,迟早他将自食其果。2014-11-27 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第100期:不知好歹
In fact, he often changes girlfiriend, for he doesn’t know chalk from cheese. 事实上,他经常换女友,因为他不知好歹。2014-11-28 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第101期:不屈不挠
Me too. Although he has failed several times, he still keeps his chin up. 我也是。虽然他失败了几次,但是他依然不屈不挠。2014-12-01 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第102期:不耻下问
Nevertheless, best of all, she is not above asking questions. 然而,最棒的是她不耻下问。2014-12-02 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第103期:不速之客
He's really a thick-skinned gate- crasher. 他真是个厚脸皮的不速之客。2014-12-03 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第104期:不偏不倚
No, I don't think so. I do believe that the umpire held the scales even. 不,我不认为如此,我真的相信该裁判的判决不偏不倚。2014-12-04 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第105期:不假思索
Positively.He's eloquent and often speaks impromptu in the speech. 是的。他口才好,且在演讲中常不假思索。2014-12-05 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第106期:不谋而合
Do you see eye to eye with him on that idea? 关于那意见你和他不谋而合吗?2014-12-08 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第107期:不期而遇
I came across him on my way home. 我是在回家的途中和他不期而遇的。2014-12-09 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第108期:不遗余力
So far as I know, they left no avenue unexplored. 据我所知,他们不遗余力。2014-12-10 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第109期:不翼而飞
It vanished from sight. 不翼而飞了。2014-12-11 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第110期:匹夫之勇
It's just courage without discipline and not worth our talking. 那只是匹夫之勇,不值得我们讨论。2014-12-12 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第111期:比比皆是
It can be found here and there and everywhere in that bazaar. 在那个商场比比皆是。2014-12-15 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第112期:切肤之痛
It's really a sad thing which no one knows where the shoe pinches like the wearer. 那的确是件令人伤心且为切肤之痛的事。2014-12-16 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第113期:日薄西山
Sad to say, his days are numbered. 说来令人伤心,他的生命已日薄西山了。2014-12-17 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第114期:毛骨悚然
Wow! Very terrible, It make my hair stand on end. 哇!非常恐怖。它使我毛骨悚然。2014-12-18 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第115期:化险为夷
Fortnnately, the doctor helped him weather the storm, but he needs to be in hospital for some time. 很幸运,那医生帮他化险为夷,但是他必须住院一段时间。2014-12-19 编辑:liekkas