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Severity: Warning

Message: Memcache::connect(): Can't connect to, Connection refused (111)

Filename: libraries/Cache_file.php

Line Number: 28

性格文章精选_性格- 可可英语


您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 性格 的文章共有:113
  • [职场双语] 职场双语:大胆的人不适合公职?

    I work for a big public sector corporation. Recently, a kind and much more senior colleague told me I would never be promoted because I am "too bold to make it to the top". He was adamant t

    2012-04-17 编辑:Jasmine

  • [职场双语] 研究:展现真我不利职场发展

    Honesty is often said to be the best policy in social situations but being yourself at work is not a good idea for your career, research suggests.人们常说诚实是处世的最佳策略,然而研究显示,在职场中做

    2012-04-23 编辑:Jasmine

  • [面试英语] 面试英语第8讲:性格和兴趣爱好

    通常我们在写完简历之后都会加注一些自己的性格和兴趣爱好之类的内容,而这些内容也是进行面试时经常会提到的话题,尤其是在英语面试的时候,面试方通常会问:How do you spend your spare time?  性格和兴趣能在

    2012-04-23 编辑:richard

  • [托福阅读辅导] 托福阅读材料:性格决定外表

    有人说“笑容是最好的化妆品”,这句话有一定道理,如果你每天愁眉苦脸,那么久而久之,你的脸也可能成了苦瓜形状,相反,如果你经常笑口常开,那么,及时你容貌不美丽,也能够让人觉得温暖。  If you exhibit po

    2012-05-29 编辑:Daisy

  • [职场双语] 职场双语:看透你的"办公桌心理"

    你的办公桌上都有什么?绿植、照片、还是满眼的文件夹?据说,一个人办公桌的风格能够反应他的性格甚至工作状态。快来看看你属于以下哪一类吧!Your desk speaks volumes about who you are, and can even mark you

    2012-06-04 编辑:Jasmine

  • [双语达人] 睡姿的秘密:透过睡相看性格

    注意过自己睡觉时的姿势吗?是蜷缩起来的婴儿睡姿还是四仰八叉的海星睡姿?这些睡姿都不是你哪天心情好或情绪差的随性而为,而是和你的性格有着密切关系。小心!别让睡姿出卖了你!Foetus婴儿睡姿Those who curl up

    2012-06-01 编辑:Jasmine

  • [] 看人先看鞋:研究发现鞋子透露主人性格

    1970-01-01 编辑:

  • [服饰搭配] 看人先看鞋:研究发现鞋子透露主人性格

    Researchers at the University of Kansas say that people can accurately judge 90 percent of a stranger's personality simply by looking at the person's shoes.堪萨斯大学的研究人员称,只需

    2012-06-15 编辑:Jasmine

  • [他她话题] 标点符号暗藏的性格秘密 你知道多少?

    A recent scientific study analyzed what your favorite punctuation mark means about you. Every writer, every person, over-uses and abuses at least one punctuation mark. Here's what your partic

    2012-06-19 编辑:justxrh

  • [他她话题] 他她话题:性格测试真的可靠吗?

    Personality assessments are popular. If you are applying for a job, you might need to take a test. Many employers believe the tests can help them avoid picking the wrong people.性格测试很流行。如果你

    2012-08-03 编辑:justxrh

  • [星座英语] 十二星座前世今生性格大解析

    十二星座前世今生性格大解析ARIES (March 21- April 19)白羊:In previous lifetimes, you always did the proper thing. You ate, dressed, worked, and lived just the way everyone else did. Conforming made y

    2012-08-14 编辑:justxrh

  • [职场双语] 性格内向也能做领导,不要改变自己!

    The Myers-Briggs test doesn't lie. Doug Conant is sure he's a born introvert, especially after taking the personality test half a dozen times. Running an organization of nearly 20,000

    2012-09-18 编辑:Jasmine

  • [职场双语] 职场双语:成功关键 智商还是性格?

    We are living through a particularly anxious moment in the history of American parenting. In the nation's big cities these days, the competition among affluent parents over slots in favored pres..

    2012-09-27 编辑:justxrh

  • [星座英语] 十二星座性格特征—双鱼座

    Pisces 双鱼座 (2月20日~3月20日)Pisces is a Water element. Ruled by mystical Neptune, This sign is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed.双鱼座是水相星座。受神秘的海王星所控制。双鱼非

    2012-10-19 编辑:Mike

  • [星座英语] 十二星座性格特征—水瓶座

    Aquarius 水瓶座 (1月21日~2月19日)Ruled by shocking Uranus, Aquarius is very much epitomes the planet that inspires it. This sign has astonishing intellectual and communication skill.受天王星控制的水瓶

    2012-10-19 编辑:Mike

  • [星座英语] 十二星座性格特征—摩羯座

    Capricorn 摩羯座 (12月22日~1月20日)Capricorn is the leader of the Earth signs. Here is a stabilizing force, one of the hardest-working signs of the Zodiac.魔羯座是土相星座的领头人。是黄道12宫里最稳定

    2012-10-22 编辑:Mike

  • [星座英语] 十二星座性格特征—射手座

    Sagittarius射手座 (11月23日~12月21日)Sagittarius is Fire energy. This is a very active, extroverted sign.射手座是火相星座。射手非常主动、外向。TIPS: You definite

    2012-10-22 编辑:Mike

  • [星座英语] 十二星座性格特征—天蝎座

    Scorpio天蝎座 (10月24日~11月22日)Scorpio is a Water element, and this makes it a somewhat enigmatic sign.水相星座的特质使蝎子有些神秘。TIPS: Study would never be a problem for Scorpio. You just need

    2012-10-23 编辑:Mike

  • [星座英语] 十二星座性格特征—天秤座

    Libra 天秤座 (9月24日~10月23日)Libra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is more extroverted and active.天秤座是风相星座。其特性比较外向和主动。TIPS: Your great need to share; to be fair an

    2012-10-23 编辑:Mike

  • [星座英语] 十二星座性格特征—处女座

    Virgo 处女座 (8月24日~9月23日)Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Virgo works hard to stability.在流动的水星控制下,处女座需要努力才能获得稳定。TIPS: A good educational background is important. Diligence

    2012-10-24 编辑:Mike