[关注社会] 关注社会:立顿袋泡茶被爆含农药
Environmental advocacy group Greenpeace said on Tuesday that an investigation it had conducted found tea bags sold in China by Unilever's Lipton brand contained unsafe levels of pesticide res2012-04-26 编辑:Jasmine
[新闻热词] "药袋"苹果引发农药安全焦虑
近日有媒体报道,在烟台苹果主产区栖霞、招远等地,果农大量使用加药果袋,药物直接与幼果接触5个多月直至成熟。请看中国日报网报道:Shandong province authorities are investigating allegations of illegally c2012-06-14 编辑:justxrh
[科技新闻] 农药居然是蜜蜂危险的诱惑
蜜蜂轻盈的从一朵花飞到另一朵花上采集花蜜,有时这些花蜜上可能会残留常用的农药,但是蜜蜂似乎察觉不到哪个花蜜已被其污染。一项新研究发现他们的确尝不出农药的味道。2015-06-16 编辑:daisy
[2019年下半年VOA常速英语] VOA常速(翻译+字幕+讲解):农药致使蜜蜂大量死亡
Harsh chemicals meant to boost agricultural output while endangering the honeybee. Our bees are decimated due to these products that farmers spread on tomatoes and coffee plantations.2019-10-18 编辑:Magi
[2021年下半年英国新闻] 巴西总统因不当言论受调查 墨西哥起诉美国枪械制造商
巴西最高法院法官裁定,总统雅伊尔·博索纳罗应接受调查,因为他声称该国的电子投票系统容易出现舞弊,但这一说法未经证实。2021-08-06 编辑:aimee