[PBS新闻简讯] 全球多地纪念耶稣受难日
在菲律宾北部,七名罗马天主教徒被钉在十字架上,民众簇拥录像。天主教堂曾劝阻这一仪式。从耶路撒冷到梵蒂冈,以及全球其它地区,基督教徒纪念耶稣受难日。2018-04-05 编辑:Wendy
[读者文摘] 读者文摘:我不知道自己还能活多久(1)
The morning of Good Friday started like any other for Kurt Kaser, a third-generation farmer in northeast Nebraska.2020-11-25 编辑:sara
[读者文摘] 读者文摘:我不知道自己还能活多久(3)
"When the corn quit running out of the truck," he says, "my clothes were still grabbing on the auger and jerking my leg as I was trying to pull it out."2020-12-03 编辑:sara
[读者文摘] 读者文摘:我不知道自己还能活多久(2)
He parked his truck alongside the tractor next to the silo and tilted his truck's long, corn-filled bed using the hydraulic hoist.2020-11-28 编辑:sara
[读者文摘] 读者文摘:我不知道自己还能活多久(5)
Less than five minutes later, he pulled off Highway 16 at the farm and ran directly for the hopper, but his father wasn't there and the auger was silent—the truck and the tractor too.2020-12-10 编辑:sara
[读者文摘] 读者文摘:我不知道自己还能活多久(4)
When the muscles were cut through and the last tendon severed, Kurt swung his leg—what remained of it—away from the machine and dropped his knife to the dirt.2020-12-05 编辑:sara