[中国人最易误解的话] 中国人最易误解的话第32期:全天候
The bank is open around the clock.(误译)那家银行准时营业。(正译)那家银行24小时营业。around the clock 日以继夜地,连续一整天We study for the finals around the clock.我夜以继日地为期末考试作准备。T2012-04-28 编辑:rainbow
[VOA一分钟英语(音频版)] 一分钟英语(MP3+双语字幕) 第24期:全天候:24-7
And here at the Voice of America, we offer you high quality English lessons "24/7." But what does this mean?在VOA,我们给您提供24/7高质量的英语节目。但是24/7是什么意思呢?2014-10-01 编辑:max
[VOA一分钟英语视频版] 一分钟英语(视频+文本) 第28期:"24/7"
Our language is full of fun expressions. And here at the Voice of America, we offer you high quality English lessons "24/7." But what does this mean?2015-03-18 编辑:max
[常听常新的英语酷词] 常听常新的英语酷词(MP3+中英字幕)第1期:24小时/7天
Most of my work is done online these days, and I'm always surprised at how many people expect me to be available 24/7, answering emails as soon as they arrive, night or day.2014-09-29 编辑:max