[商业报道] 丰田危机 路在何方
What a difference a day makes!一天的变化竟然如此之大!Just yesterday, Japan's markets were cheering the US debt deal ending up, but today, markets closed down to 1.2%. Why?就在昨天,日本丰田股2012-05-03 编辑:melody
[科技新闻] E时代的"沟通危机"
Shuai Yunyun, 21, from Shanghai University of Engineering Science found that her friends were all occupied with their smartphones during a high school friends meeting. 21岁的帅芸芸(音译)来自上海工程2012-06-05 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 日本国会:福岛危机系"日本制造"
The chairman of an investigation ordered by Japan's parliament into the Fukushima nuclear disaster has declared that it was a crisis "made in Japan" resulting from the "ingrain2012-07-07 编辑:justxrh
[职场双语] 管理人员面临压力危机 何去何从?
If you feel your boss is working late, you're probably right. The average manager is racking up nine weeks of unpaid overtime a year, or 90 minutes a day.如果觉得自己的老板工作到很晚,那么你的2012-07-20 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 美国干旱引发全球粮食危机警报
The world is facing a food crisis as the worst US drought in 50 years pushes agricultural commodity prices to record highs. 随着美国50年来最严重的旱情把大宗农产品价格推至创纪录高点,世界正在面临一场粮2012-07-24 编辑:justxrh
[他她话题] 他她话题:画家张晓刚的创作危机
For the past year, China's most expensive living artist hasn't been allowed to paint, doctor's orders. 去年一年,中国当今身价最高的画家没有得到作画的许可,发出这道禁令的人是医2012-07-25 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 美国正处于信贷危机"余震期"
Here is the reality. We have intense uncertainty on US fiscal, energy and health policies. Nobody knows what their effective tax rate is going to be next year so they cannot plan. When you model that2012-08-07 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 诸暨袜城危机:中国经济衰退的一个缩影
A workingwoman at a sock factory in Yiwu, China. But after years of brisk business, Zhejiang province is now facing an economic slowdown. Photograph: Eugene Hoshiko/AP中国义乌袜子厂的一名工人。繁荣经2012-09-12 编辑:Amosway
[关注社会] 社会新发现:独居者年轻化趋势 潮流之下的危机
Young solitaires actively reframe living alone as a mark of distinction and success. 年轻的独居者热衷于把独居当做个性和成功的标志。2012-09-18 编辑:Amosway
[经济] VOA视频:欧元危机形式暂缓
urozone finance ministers met in Cyprus to discuss the euro crisis Friday, under less pressure from international m2012-09-18 编辑:Jasmine
[《沃顿的学问》沃顿商学院] 沃顿商学院课程《沃顿的学问》第20课:对金融危机的看法
沃顿商学院课程《沃顿的学问》第20课:Neel Kaskari对金融危机的看法:“我们的民族将更加强大”课程介绍宾夕法尼亚沃顿商学院商业分析的网络课程。在全球超过100w人正在注册使用该课件。学院介绍美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院位于费城,是世界首屈一指的商学院。沃顿商学院创立于1881年,是美国第一所大学商学院。2012-09-26 编辑:kekenet
[校园生活] 校园生活:大学新生遭遇理财危机
Shen Junyi’s online “shop” provides a stable income every month, even though it only has a single customer –&n2012-10-18 编辑:ivy
[PBS访谈商业系列] PBS高端访谈:为什么欧债危机不是更加突出的竞选主题?
JUDY WOODRUFF: And that brings us to Europe's debt crisis.That is one of the little-mentioned topics in t2012-10-30 编辑:melody
[泰坦尼克号] 影视讲解《泰坦尼克号》第57期:危机时刻不忘绅士风
For the time being, I shall require only women and children. 好,先请妇女和小孩上船。 Right here. 这边。2013-01-03 编辑:justxrh
[经济学人财经系列] 经济学人:漏洞百出的防火墙
当前,欧洲财政官员们流露出新的自大情绪。随着债券息差缩小,股票价格上涨,欧元势头强劲,众多决策者坚信这场危机已经终结。如2月25日-26日在墨西哥城召开的20国财长会议上,欧洲代表不断吹嘘他们的成功。2013-01-10 编辑:melody
[双语达人] 美丽陷阱,年轻人的信用卡危机
“我有点不好意思,”刘静靠在柜台上放低声音说,自信用卡问题被提出以来第一次暗示不适。2013-01-10 编辑:spring
[科技新闻] PC的身份危机
传统PC的身份界定正在变得越来越模糊。移动技术的发展和触屏的出现一天天地颠覆着个人电脑的传统概念。平板电脑、智能手机的兴起不仅极大的挤压了传统PC的生存空间,同时也改变了消费者对个人电脑的认知。2013-03-07 编辑:shaun
[双语达人] 困局:欧洲或因债务危机失去年轻一代
欧洲议会议长最近表示,尽管欧洲已经花费了几千亿欧元来援救其银行业,但可能在这一过程中失去了整整一代年轻人。2013-03-15 编辑:shaun
[关注社会] 关注社会:亚洲能从欧洲危机中学到什么
中国有个成语叫“借镜观形”,是指聪明人应善于从别人的错误中吸取教训,引以为戒。如今正在为平衡社会福利与经济活力两者关系而大费心思的亚洲领导人们应该把这句话牢记心间。密切关注欧洲财政危机可以帮助亚洲领导人避免重蹈欧洲大陆的覆辙,躲开那些会降低生产力的过头做法。2013-05-07 编辑:shaun
[美语语音训练第二册] 人文社科:《俄国危机》The Crisis in Russia
美语语音训练CD2录音Mp3 Unit25点击此处下载文本2007-06-09 编辑:admin