[新闻热词] 15家视频平台下架侵权短视频57万部
中国国家版权局上周三宣布,国内共15家重点在线视频分享平台共下架涉嫌侵权盗版短视频作品57万部。2018-11-13 编辑:max
[2019年上半年英文报] 21世纪双语新闻(MP3+字幕):2018,短视频和直播火爆的一年
在过去的十年间,社交媒体以我们都意想不到的方式发展壮大。2019-02-04 编辑:Melody
[随时恋英语] 第182期 风靡欧美的短视频应用
随时恋英语 第182期 风靡欧美的短视频应用2019-02-22 编辑:max
[娱乐新闻] 报告指出 短视频推动互联网增长
一份互联网趋势报告称,中国互联网行业保持着较快的增速,受短视频市场爆发式增长的推动,2018年,中国移动互联网用户数量已达8.2亿,同比增长9%。2019-06-18 编辑:max
[欧美创意广告] 专业短视频平台Quibi创意广告 抢银行
在这支广告中,一群劫匪抢劫银行后跑出来,准备坐车离开,可接应的司机在看Quibi,还有10分钟左右才能看完,接着劫匪也拿起手机看了起来,没成想警察已经追到..2020-05-14 编辑:max
[可可英语口语] 口语255期-女子短视频刷到老公幽会小三,网友:大数据推得准
最近,湖南一名女子在家带娃,刷短视频竟然刷到老公和小三一起约会,两人还穿情侣鞋。网友表示,大数据可真厉害,精准推送。你被大数据震惊过吗?今天我们不妨就来总结一下“刷视频”“刷手机”“刷剧”的各种表达。2023-05-08 编辑:lulu
[热点资讯传送门] 为带动旅游业 各地文旅局长卷起来了!
这些人并不是专业的角色扮演者,而是中国各地的文旅官员。2023-05-19 编辑:max
[可可英语晨读] 晨读676期|研究发现狗狗爱看短视频,它们真的看得懂吗?
Dogs watching videos could be key to better understanding their vision: study finds After a rough day, many people may unwind by watching their favourite shows with their dogs alongside. Yet w..2024-01-26 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读676期|研究发现狗狗爱看短视频,它们真的看得懂吗?
Dogs watching videos could be key to better understanding their vision: study finds After a rough day, many people may unwind by watching their favourite shows with their dogs alongside. Yet w..2024-01-26 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读679期|外国双胞胎姐妹花被偷走22年后团圆,牵出医院出售上万名婴儿案
Georgia's stolen children: Twins sold at birth reunited by TikTok video Amy and Ano are identical twins, but just after they were born they were taken from their mother and sold to separate f..2024-01-31 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读679期|外国双胞胎姐妹花被偷走22年后团圆,牵出医院出售上万名婴儿案
Georgia's stolen children: Twins sold at birth reunited by TikTok video Amy and Ano are identical twins, but just after they were born they were taken from their mother and sold to separate f..2024-01-31 编辑:kekechendu