[英文小酒馆] 第241期:酒馆装B宝典- 一篇入门,一喝入坑,精酿凭啥贵点
Yeah, I have been promoted from just James to James beer guru.2021-10-15 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第242期:Geek时间- 身体里装着一个3D打印的心脏,是什么体验?
Hi, everyone! And welcome back to geek time. Hi, Brad.2021-10-18 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第243期:闲话美国-到美国小城镇欢乐“嘉年华”
Hello, Lulu. So I have a question for you. When you think of places in America, what jumps into your head?2021-10-19 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第244期:小酒馆·大世界- 来墨西哥亡灵节Party吃TACO!
Before introducing our special guest today, I have a little announcement to make;2021-10-20 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第245期:闲话美国- 原住民的“美国往事”
And today we're going to continue our talk about native Americans and we're gonna continue our talk about the history. We're gonna be talking about the more darker side of this history.2021-10-21 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 《小酒馆·大世界》- 凡事可Taco VS 大饼卷一切,你站谁?
In the previous episode, we talked to Logan, the passionate owner of a Mexican restaurant Tacolicious, and in today’s episode, we are gonna to explore some of the delicious Mexican treats.2021-10-22 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第247期:闲话美国万圣节特辑-乱捣蛋,可能会被抓起来哦
Well, there is a holiday that's going to be coming around the corner real soon that involves monsters and other scary things.2021-10-25 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第248期:闲话英伦-从宿舍,租房到买房,北京伦敦哪边房奴更惨
Today we're gonna move on from food to housing. 衣食住行我们说了 “食” 今天来说 “住”. Housing is a big thing for people living anywhere in the world really.2021-10-26 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第249期:万圣节特辑-妈耶,邻居怪蜀黍半夜举着电锯追小孩儿
闲话美国万圣节特辑-妈耶,邻居怪蜀黍半夜举着电锯追小孩儿2021-10-28 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第251期:小酒馆·大世界-可可爱爱的小镇“老演员”,一入剧场“误终身”
Hello, thank you for having me here.2021-11-01 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第250期:单身独居的女人,在古代竟如此危险?!
Hello everyone. Hello and Happy Halloween.2021-10-29 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第252期:闲话美国-西部牛仔是美国的“放牛郎”
Well, I'd like to start today by asking you a question.2021-11-02 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第253期:闲话美国-超市
So in the last episode we were talking about some pretty serious stuff.2021-11-03 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第254期:闲话美国- 美国人说的condo和apartment有什么区别?
挑战版《闲话美国》- 美国人说的condo和apartment有什么区别?2021-11-04 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第255期:闲话英伦-英式幽默,你get到了吗?
闲话英伦-英式幽默,你get到了吗?2021-11-09 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第256期:挑战版《闲话美国》-你小时候说脏话会挨打吗?
Why don't we kick off this episode with talking about swearing related to our family backgrounds and how we're brought up because that has a lot to do with…2021-11-11 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第257期:知乎哲也-博士毕业进寺庙当高僧,算不算意义人生?
Which basically means there is a shared standard that people can judge you, people can judge your life,whether it has meaning or not.2021-11-12 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第258期:Geek时间-买不起的东西,我三弟打!
3D printing.2021-11-15 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第259期:闲话美国-原来美国也有沙县小吃一样的存在
So I thought before we get on with today's topic, let me ask you something. It has been some time since the last time you went back to the States, right?2021-11-16 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第260期:人人自危,无处遁形的“网络扒皮”时代
The act of publicly revealing previously private personal information about an individual or organization, usually through the Internet.2021-11-17 编辑:sophie