[英文小酒馆] 第541期:无数电影翻拍,被称为英国救世主,我却只关心他帅不帅。
Hello everyone, and welcome to bedtime stories with 安澜. In this segment, I'm going to be telling you some famous stories from Britain and many other countries. So get comfortable and let me take..2023-11-08 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第542期:难以启齿?孩子不该只从“小网站”,才了解“羞羞”的事儿。
Hi, everyone. And welcome back to America Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话美国】. Hi, James.2023-11-10 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第543期:学生有多“野”,生理课就有多失败。
This is the advanced episode for sex education.2023-11-13 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第544期:豪华演员、道具,1.75亿美元预算,就拍了个英国硬汉拔剑?
Sir Kay heard the news when he was polishing his helmet.2023-11-15 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第545期:细思极恐!《爱死机》的剧情,未来会上演么?
Hi everyone, and welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回来《极客时间》. Hi, Brad.2023-11-17 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第546期:云端?弱爆了!未来都是“在雾端”
We were talking about IoT devices in the basic episode. We're gonna continue that and we're gonna talk a little bit about cars as IoT devices.2023-11-20 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第547期:一头牛换三颗豆儿,寡妇儿子市集被骗是不是中国版“塞翁福”?
Once upon a time there was a poor widow who lived in a little cottage with her only son Jack.2023-11-22 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第548期:腐国言行“潜规则”,自嘲才是必杀技?
Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜.2023-11-24 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第549期:婚礼前夕惊现三位“生父”,是人间亲情还是道德沦丧?
Hi everyone, and welcome back to one of your favorite segments, The Sound of Musicals. 欢迎回来大家最喜欢的板块之一【曲外之音】. And it has been a long time, Oliver.2023-11-27 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第550期:一个颂扬小孩儿“偷盗”的故事,为何流传至今?
Jack saw that the giant was asleep, he crept out of the box.2023-11-29 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第551期:女儿现场悔婚,母亲和情人顶上却成爱情佳话?
So we're gonna continue with Mamma Mia, the jukebox musical.2023-12-01 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第552期:英国人的“英”,可能是“英”阳怪气的英
对。就是,英国人说话的时候很喜欢反讽,就很喜欢说一些反话。安澜,你知道中文里管这个叫什么吗?2023-12-04 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第553期:她仅以长发遮体穿过街道,却被艺术家们争相歌颂
Once upon a time, in the medieval city of Coventry in England, there lived a kind and compassionate woman named Lady Godiva.2023-12-06 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第554期:加密货币,一念天堂一念地狱?
We're gonna be talking about cryptocurrency. We kind of talked about NFTs before. And NFTs kind of share a basic background with cryptocurrency, but we haven't really gotten into cryptocurre..2023-12-08 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第555期:以加密货币为“饵”,背后虎视眈眈的是什么?
Hahaha. Don't worry. I think this might be easier.2023-12-11 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第556期:上亿人为此丧命,女模助力破解千年瘟疫
OK, your YEAH is getting less passionate. Anyhow欢迎回来我们的新板块词源考古研究所.2023-12-13 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第557期:死贵的祖宅,修不起又卖不掉的贵族尊严
And it's a good thing. It's audio, I don't look that great at the moment.2023-12-18 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第558期:一杯茶的等级观,楼下的先加奶,楼上的则后加
Now let's use a magnifying glass and go into these stately homes or manor houses and look at the rooms and also look at the servants.2023-12-19 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第559期:毁童年的童话故事,女嘉宾难道不是势利眼么?
In olden times, when if you made a wish, it would always come true2023-12-20 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第560期:英国人还要交这些税?!
Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】Hi 安澜.2023-12-22 编辑:sophie