[英文小酒馆] 第1期 闲话美国:禁枪到底有多难?
Gun violence tends to occur more in areas where there are high level of gang activities.2020-05-27 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第2期 闲话美国:美国人真的就吃热狗汉堡薯条?
Unique regional food 美国各地区特色美食2020-05-27 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第6期 闲话美国:美剧日常吐槽的医疗有多贵
so we're gonna continue with going to doctors, right?2020-05-29 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第7期 闲话美国:在"车轮上的美国"考驾照
we're gonna be talking about a topic that many people are interested in--- driving.2020-05-29 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第5期 闲话美国:美国大学有多贵?
How about we start with the big question with how much does it cost?2020-05-28 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第4期 闲话美国:令人头疼的税,在美国是怎样的?
That depends on how you look at it, we are gonna talk about taxes.2020-05-28 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第3期 闲话美国:移民大熔炉的问题
Today we're gonna be continuing our talk about demographics in America.2020-05-28 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第32期 闲话美国:美国教育说的K12到底是什么?
let's talk about what they do after they finish their preschool.2020-06-10 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第41期 闲话美国:美国K12教育所存在的问题
so last time we were talking about K12 education in the United States2020-06-15 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第50期 闲话美国:优惠券也可以拼出竞技项目?
So we're gonna continue our talk today about couponing.2020-06-18 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第54期 闲话美国:和璐璐一起10分钟免费漫游美国
So in this we're going to talk about different regions.2020-06-22 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第55期 闲话美国:美国人没有高考怎么上大学
so in today's episode let's take a look at American universities which I think a lot of our listeners are very interested in.2020-06-22 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第56期 闲话美国:美国的宝爸宝妈
So how about we talk about raising a kid in the United States?2020-06-22 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第66期 闲话美国:深究美国宝爸宝妈的日常
In today's episode let us explore that topic a bit further.2020-06-29 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第76期 闲话美国:美国式露营究竟什么样?
but one of the big part of American culture, American life, which is camping.2020-07-02 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第77期 闲话美国:和童子军一起继续露营
And we're continuing our talk about camping and we're gonna start off by talking about this outdoor spirit that many Americans have.2020-07-02 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第78期 闲话美国:美国电视节目也要分级?
So we're gonna continue talking about TV in America2020-07-03 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第80期 闲话美国:婚礼到底谁出钱?
So let's talk about American wedding, shall we?2020-07-03 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第81期 闲话美国:新娘哥斯拉Bridezilla是什么鬼?
So let's continue our talk about American weddings.2020-07-06 编辑:Andersen
[英文小酒馆] 第82期 闲话美国:旧物要断舍离?自家院子摆个旧货摊吧!
many people in America organize what we call garage sales.2020-07-06 编辑:Andersen