[Albert说英闻] 第201期:《梦华录》海外热播,国外网友花式赞美,这波文化输出厉害啦!
It’s the most enjoyable drama I have watched in a long time. The chemistry is off the charts and palpable.2022-06-27 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第202期:《梦华录》火到国外,网友花式赞美,“八倍镜”嗑剧
So excited for this drama! Finally we get something that's not cookie cutter. It's been too long.2022-06-29 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第203期:女性被强奸、病危也不许流产?美国最高法院废除宪法堕胎权
Donald Trump Jr. posted a meme suggesting the overturning of Roe v. Wade directly resulted from then-President Barack Obama making fun of his father at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner.2022-06-30 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第204期:“刘强东美国性侵案”大量视频曝光,女方曾说自己是自愿的
Ms. Liu said she had a recurring nightmare: a man forcing her down and sitting on top of her.2022-07-01 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第205期:周杰伦新歌刷屏,热搜爆了,但歌词一个字引热议
Paris’ legendary department store La Samaritaine made a cameo in top singer Jay Chou’s newly released music video, causing an online frenzy in China.2022-07-08 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第206期:七七事变第二天,日本首相安倍遭刺杀!
Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot and gravely injured while campaigning Friday in southern Japan.2022-07-11 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第207期:热搜第一!林志颖驾驶特斯拉出车祸,颜面骨折需手术!
Jimmy Lin and his son were injured in a traffic accident in Taoyuan city on Friday.2022-07-25 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第208期:林志颖终于清醒,或进行脸部3D重建,妻子首发声报平安
A Tesla Model X car driven by a Taiwanese celebrity crashed into a pole in the city of Taoyuan on Friday after suddenly deviating from the road, injuring the actor and his son.2022-07-26 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第209期:全网刷屏!人民日报点赞“二舅”,看哭无数网友
A short film about the struggles of a 66-year-old disabled carpenter has become one of the most popular videos in China this week after the story inspired millions for its portrayal of how to deal w..2022-07-29 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第210期:香港红馆演唱会突发事故!600公斤巨屏坠落砸2人
Two dancers have been injured at a Cantopop boyband Mirror concert in Hong Kong after a massive video screen suspended above the stage fell on to performers below.2022-08-01 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第211期:美国“反中铁杆”佩洛西访台?网友热评:今晚不睡了!
To ride a tiger is to be in a very precarious or dangerous situation and this usage dates from the late 19th century.2022-08-03 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第212期:紧要关头,佩洛西收到不好消息,丈夫突然出事了
Paul Pelosi, the multimillionaire husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, allegedly had a drug in his system,2022-08-05 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第213期:贝嫂与继婆婆合影,俩人气质各不同,被曝“婆媳矛盾”
There’s a full-on cold war between Victoria Beckham and her new daughter-in-law, Nicola Peltz.2022-08-08 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第214期:李易峰因PC被拘后首现身,再上热搜!更多真相曝光
One of China's biggest stars, actor Li Yifeng, has been arrested on suspicion of repeatedly soliciting prostitutes.2022-09-15 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第215期:李佳琦“消失”109天后复出,6000万人围观,朋友圈刷屏!
China's top livestreaming sales influencer Li Jiaqi reappeared on screens on Tuesday, ending an over three-month-long absence that began after he was cut off abruptly, mid-show.2022-09-22 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第216期:仆人曝英国新国王难伺候
“He has his valets squeeze one inch of toothpaste onto his toothbrush every morning.”2022-09-23 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第217期:西方学者:不要哀悼英国女王
It is often said that the best way to solve family troubles is in unity and getting together. Sometimes grief or the sudden loss of a loved one can make people see sense and bury the hatchet so that..2022-09-26 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第218期:“唐山烧烤店打人案”一审宣判!主犯获刑24年
A court in northern China sentenced a man, surnamed Chen, to 24 years in jail Friday for his role in a vicious attack on four women, as well as other crimes including robbery and running an illegal ..2022-09-30 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第219期:谷爱凌回忆:在瑞士参加美国高考
(It) never even occurred to me that you could take the SATs in anywhere but America but indeed it’s a thing.2022-10-08 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第220期:梅西夺冠,球王加冕
Now there can be no arguments. Now there should be no debate.2022-12-20 编辑:sophie