[Albert说英闻] 第381期:《孤注一掷》破20亿!揭露贪欲背后的“人间炼狱”!看完头皮发麻...
No More Bets was released on Wednesday and has earned an eye-popping $275 million already as it outswam “Meg 2” domestically and “Barbie” internationally.2023-08-30 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第382期:粉丝过亿,草根逆袭企业家,“抖音第一网红”疯狂小杨哥凭什么?
Yang first rose to fame on Chinese social media with his comedy videos in which he role played a number of different zany characters in a family, played pranks on those around him and partook in vir..2023-08-31 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第383期:李玟怒斥《好声音》录音曝光!导演竟对她动手?多位明星曝光内幕
In a nine-minute audio file leaked on Chinese social media last night, the female voice, believed to be Coco Lee, had a tirade about how she was "bullied" by the director of variety show Sin..2023-09-01 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第384期:演出划水、亲欧美,Jennie直播回应又翻车?!网友:太势利眼了
Three songs into the night, it appeared that Jennie had a microphone glitch, causing her to be called off stage.2023-09-04 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第385期:20亿了!《孤注一掷》到底有多敢拍,导演被威胁,罪犯评论区挑衅
Director Shen Ao puts a fast-paced spin on a topical issue to create cinematic success.2023-09-05 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第386期:争当“特种兵”的年轻人,一夜之间都开始City walk
“Citywalks” are the latest chill travel trend to sweep Chinese social media, where they’re seen as a budget-friendly way to soak in some local color, and avoid potentially overrated destinations.2023-09-06 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第387期:这届年轻人,可以不谈恋爱,但不能没搭子
A rising trend is gaining traction in China, where young individuals in search of companionship are opting for temporary partnerships to sidestep complex relationships.2023-09-07 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第388期:外媒报道:日本排放核污水
Japan has started to discharge radioactive water from its stricken Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean.2023-09-08 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第389期:顶流女团Blackpink,巡演人气超霉霉,它到底有多吸金?
BLACKPINK's global appeal has never been a subjective matter.2023-09-11 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第390期:女装「BM风」过季,微胖穿搭流行:要穿衣自由,更要穿衣自在
There is a new, unapologetic category of influencers that is trying to change perceptions around body image in China: ‘midsize’ (微胖 weipang) influencers.2023-09-12 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第391期:“别说结婚,年轻人快不想谈恋爱了”,「恋爱脑」当代年轻人眼中的绝症
“A hopeless romantic is someone who is more susceptible to falling in love and gets carried away in their romantic feelings,”2023-09-14 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第392期:“茶饮顶流”蜜雪冰城,进军炸串届!网友:雪王要垄断小吃街
A parade of Chinese bubble tea makers are lining up for first-time share sales in Hong Kong and the United States.2023-09-15 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第393期:“100斤以上没资格穿…”,女装标准尺码正在偷偷变小
In recent years, China’s fashion industry has been dominated by a petite craze that has resulted in the shrinking of women’s clothing.2023-09-18 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第394期:华为Mate60系列只在国内发布,苹果15遭遇最强劲敌,外媒酸了
The surprise launch of a sophisticated $900-plus Huawei smartphone has caught China’s technology industry off guard, inspiring hopes that the country’s biggest firms can overcome US sanctions seemin..2023-09-19 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第395期:初代顶流费翔再次“封神”,62岁统一两代人的审美,不愧是“妈妈严选”牌偶像!
Perhaps Fei Xiang’s villainous intrigue is fueled by a contrast with the youthful, red-clad pop star version of himself.2023-09-20 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第396期:豆瓣8.8《奥本海默》爆火!“原子弹之父”的传奇人生,被诺兰拍出来了
Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer officially launched in China today, grossing an estimated $5.4M.2023-09-21 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第397期:茅台联名瑞幸,「酱香拿铁」刷屏!网友:第一次实现茅台自由
Chinese coffee giant Luckin Coffee opened its 10,000th store in the country in June2023-09-22 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第398期:《云之羽》首播爆火,主演虞书欣惊艳出场,却被吐槽普女之首?!
So iQIYI suddenly dropped three episodes of My Journey to You last night.2023-09-25 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第399期:《逃出大英博物馆》爆火,揭开2000多件文物失窃丑闻,背后故事看哭...
The British Museum is now deluged with renewed calls to give back contested objects as countries like Greece,2023-09-26 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第400期:中美「手机芯片」决战!美媒拆了华为新机后,美国“破防”了
Huawei and China’s top chipmaker SMIC have built an advanced 7-nanometer processor to power its latest smartphone, a sign Beijing is making early progress in a nationwide push to skirt US efforts to..2023-09-28 编辑:sophie