[Albert说英闻] 第121期:她让全世界知道了南京大屠杀,36岁却难忍心痛自杀
Iris Chang, a journalist whose best-selling book,2021-12-15 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第122期:星巴克“翻车”!使用过期食材、垃圾桶抹布擦咖啡机...
星巴克“翻车”!使用过期食材、垃圾桶抹布擦咖啡机,被人民日报点名2021-12-16 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第123期:王力宏离婚!娱乐圈好老公人设翻车......
Celebrity couple Wang Leehom and Lee Jing Lei have been making people guess their marriage status for a while now.2021-12-17 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第124期:阿里开除自称遭性侵女员工!处理方式或再引众怒
Chinese e-commerce firm Alibaba has fired a woman who said a colleague and a client had sexually assaulted her.2021-12-20 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第125期:前妻发文锤王力宏出轨召妓冷暴力,网友炸了:没有好下场!
Wang Leehom's former wife - Lee Jinglei - took to social media late on Friday night2021-12-21 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第126期:薇娅,凉了!偷税13.41亿,全网封杀
A top Chinese live-streamer has been handed a 1.34bn yuan fine for tax evasion.2021-12-22 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第127期:美国媒体终于报道王力宏
The dayslong back-and-forth has riveted fans of Wang Leehom...2021-12-23 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第128期:超2000万人观看!西城男孩全球首场直播演唱会刷屏!
If you were born in China in the early 1990s there is a good chance that your adolescent years would have been played out to a saccharine soundtrack from an Irish boy band.2021-12-24 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第129期:凯特和小李子因疫情分开三年后重聚,凯特竟“忍不住哭了”
Kate Winslet will never let go of her friendship with Leonardo DiCaprio.2021-12-27 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第130期:“恋爱盲盒”兴起,一块钱买来的缘分,靠谱吗?
Besides looking for a decent job, finding Mr. right is the other important thing for 25-year-old Shannon Yang, who’s about to finish her postgraduate studies in Beijing.2021-12-28 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第131期:三只松鼠“眯眯眼”妆容惹争议
三只松鼠“眯眯眼”妆容惹争议:出现了“眯眯眼”造型,就是辱华?2021-12-29 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第132期:70岁朴槿惠将出狱!被关押4年9个月,超过总统在任时间
Office workers around Gwanghwamun Square in central Seoul breathed a collective sigh of relief just before Christmas.2021-12-31 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第133期:《哈利·波特》作者罗琳当选2021年度人物...
《哈利·波特》作者罗琳当选2021年度人物,英国卫报竟直接关闭投票?2022-01-04 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第134期:37岁女护士感染新冠昏迷28天,竟靠伟哥救了一命
A nurse who spent 28 days in a Covid coma fighting for her life has been saved after medics gave her Viagra as part of an experimental treatment regime.2022-01-05 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第135期:知名韩国演员金美秀去世!年仅30岁...
知名韩国演员金美秀去世!年仅30岁,出演的《雪滴花》还在热播...2022-01-10 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第136期:中国女星王怡人拒跪韩国人!被辱骂
In South Korea, kneeling remains in use to show gratitude and offer thanks.2022-01-14 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第137期:汤加30年最猛烈火山喷发,致这个国家瞬间“失联”...
汤加30年最猛烈火山喷发,致这个国家瞬间“失联”,或将波及全球.....2022-01-18 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第138期:华裔女被流浪汉推下站台碾压致死!生前却做10年救助义工
华裔女被流浪汉推下站台碾压致死!生前却做10年救助义工2022-01-19 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第139期:外媒报道印度宣布2030年建设空间站
As China gears up to become the only country to have an exclusive and probably the only space station by 2024 or latest by 2030, its neighbor, India too has plans to follow suit in a few years.2022-01-20 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第140期:周杰伦官宣老婆怀三胎!网友热评:7年3孩,5年0专辑
The cat is out of the bag: Jay Chou is going to be a father of three.2022-01-21 编辑:sophie