[时差N小时] 时差N小时:预防肥胖要趁早
A recent survey conducted by the Department of Health (DOH) showed that one out of every four junior high school students is currently overweight. The survey sample included roughly 4,400 junior high2012-06-07 编辑:melody
[科学美国人健康系列] 科学美国人60秒:儿童每年消耗七万亿卡路里
Kids from the ages of two to 19, consume about seven trillion calories in sugar-sweetened beverages per year,2012-09-29 编辑:melody
[健康生活] 不孕不育 糖尿病 肥胖症与多囊症之迷
关于多囊卵巢综合症,科学家知道的也就是这些:它是不孕不育的最常见原因之一。它与糖尿病和另外多种恼人的健康问题有关。它影响着多达500万的美国女性。2014-02-25 编辑:shaun
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第724期:胖成这样并非我所想亦非我所愿
Obesity is not a choice and making people feel ashamed results only in them feeling worse about themselves, a report by top psychologists says.2019-10-17 编辑:Vicki
[VOA慢速-健康报道] 全球超10亿人患有肥胖症
一项新的研究估计,目前全球有超过10亿人患有肥胖症。2024-03-12 编辑:Magi