[科技新闻] 微软正面迎战谷歌 奖励用户使用必应搜索
“微软奖励”计划近日在英国推出,旨在吸引更多人使用必应搜索引擎。2017-06-19 编辑:max
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1644期:早起绝招-罗列好早起事宜(3)
Create A Morning To-Do List 罗列好早起事宜2017-06-24 编辑:Ukki
[Ask about English] 你问我答学英语(MP3+双语字幕)第92期:Reward和Award的区别
你好,Jun。感谢你提问repeat和restate这两个词的区别。2017-06-27 编辑:max
[中外文化] 博物馆悬赏认字 破译1个甲骨文字奖励10万
中国文字博物馆日前宣布,他们正在对甲骨文进行研究。2017-08-15 编辑:max
[职场双语] 为提高生产力 日本一企业奖励员工多睡觉
东京一家婚礼策划公司近日宣布,将实行“睡眠报酬制度”以鼓励员工获得更多睡眠。2018-10-27 编辑:max
[沃克斯独立观点] 谁在为信用卡奖励买单?
谁在为信用卡奖励买单?2019-03-26 编辑:hepburn
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第2435期:告别单调生活-奖励你自己(8)
奖励你自己为健身所做的努力——不要用食物,用你喜欢的东西,像看个电影或者鲜花。2019-09-15 编辑:Ukki
[可可英语晨读] 112【朗读版】这家员工打疫苗得64万现金和免费汽车
Amazon has rewarded eight workers who got vaccinated with free cars or $100,000 payouts Amazon gave away cars and $100,000 cash bonuses to a handful of vaccinated warehouse workers as part of its..2021-10-28 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 112【讲解版】员工打疫苗得64万现金和免费汽车
Amazon has rewarded eight workers who got vaccinated with free cars or $100,000 payouts Amazon gave away cars and $100,000 cash bonuses to a handful of vaccinated warehouse workers as part of its..2021-10-28 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 167【讲解版】“好好读书,奖励小猪”被网友点赞暖心
Students receive piglets as a reward for hard work and in the hope it will boost the local economy Students at a primary school in a poor region of southwestern China have received piglets as a r..2022-01-13 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 167【朗读版】“好好读书,奖励小猪”被网友点赞暖心
Students receive piglets as a reward for hard work and in the hope it will boost the local economy Students at a primary school in a poor region of southwestern China have received piglets as a r..2022-01-13 编辑:kekechendu