[时事新闻] 电力短缺 印度大国崛起中的阿喀琉斯之踵
In India, a power outage is not a big deal. On my first day at the newsmagazineIndia Today, when the lights cut out and my computer zapped to black, no one seemed to skip a beat. And why would they?2012-08-06 编辑:Amosway
[姥姥讲故事大全] 姥姥讲故事 第542期:阿喀琉斯的脚踝
好故事,大未来,让孩子听出好奇迹!让孩子在爱的聆听中健康快乐成长。姥姥用故事为孩子推开一扇窗,打开一道门。2016-11-01 编辑:aimee
[美国小学英语教材6] 美国小学英语教材6:第269课 古希腊著名领导人(10)
Hector stood dismayed, for he had no other spear. Then he knew that his end had come 赫克托耳站在那里感到很惊恐,因为他没有别的矛了。他知道他的末日来了2020-02-11 编辑:liekkas
[美国小学英语教材6] 美国小学英语教材6:第270课 古希腊著名领导人(11)
and she cried, "Sons and daughters of Troy, go to meet Hector, if ever you met him with joy as he came back in triumph from battle."她哭喊道:“特洛伊的儿女们,来看看赫克托耳吧,就像以前他打了胜战回来时那样开心地来见他。”2020-02-12 编辑:liekkas
[美国小学英语教材6] 美国小学英语教材6:第271课 古希腊著名领导人(12)
But for Achilles the day of doom was not far distant.但对阿喀琉斯来说,劫数之日也并不遥远了。When he was born, his mother, Thetis, hearing it said that his life would be short and glorious,当他出生的时候,他的母亲忒提斯听说他的生命短暂而辉煌,2020-02-13 编辑:liekkas
[美国小学英语教材6] 美国小学英语教材6:第272课 古希腊著名领导人(13)
Great was the joy of Troy when it was reported that the men of Greece had departed. The gates were opened2020-03-04 编辑:Wendy
[美国小学英语教材6] 美国小学英语教材6:第273课 古希腊著名领导人(14)
Now that the Greeks held Troy and King Priam lay dead, Aeneas said to his father,2020-03-05 编辑:Wendy
[美国小学英语教材6] 美国小学英语教材6:第274课 古希腊著名领导人(15)
All the winds rushed forth together and rolled up great waves, until, worn out by the storm,2020-03-14 编辑:Wendy