[户外达人] 野外生存技能 手表也可用作指南针
This VideoJug clip will explain how to easily find north without a compass, just using an ordinary analog wristwatch and these survival tips.VideoJug这段视频将教给你怎样在没有指南针的情况下轻松找到正2012-09-11 编辑:qihui
[户外达人] 野外生存技能:带哪些急救物品去户外
Simon Eller, editor of Bushcraft and Survival Skills Magazine, shows VideoJug users what first aid items to take&nb2012-10-27 编辑:qihui
[户外达人] 野外生存技巧:塑料瓶也能烧热水
Learn how to heat water without a pot or any type of metal or glass container. Good to know if you&n2012-11-02 编辑:qihui
[户外达人] 野外生存技巧:怎样安全彻底熄灭火堆
This video gives you instructions on how to make sure a fire that you started in the woods is completely&2012-11-20 编辑:qihui
[户外达人] 野外生存技巧:怎样用空汽水罐取火
Create a fire with just an empty soda can? Sure you can!2012-12-22 编辑:qihui
[户外达人] 野外生存技能:石头也可以煮沸水
In the absence of modern kitchens, some Native American tribes made use of heated stones to boil water.2012-12-28 编辑:qihui
[户外达人] 野外生存技巧:露宿森林怎样保暖
Don’t let the cold keep you indoors – learn how to survive the outdoors at night in comfort in any temperature.2013-01-09 编辑:qihui
[健康幸福] 野外生存技能:干旱沙漠中怎样求生
Don’t trust mirages; if you need to survive in the desert without water, these tips could save your life.2013-01-25 编辑:qihui
[美语情景对话] 美语情景对话 第1032期:Surving the Wild 野外生存
索里:马克,你之前说过你在荒野生活时有三天没有吃东西。你能说说你的感受吗,你当时是什么心情?2017-03-29 编辑:aimee
[美语情景对话] 美语情景对话 第1032期:Surving the Wild 野外生存
索里:马克,你之前说过你在荒野生活时有三天没有吃东西。你能说说你的感受吗,你当时是什么心情?2017-03-29 编辑:aimee
[跟艾米莉一起学口语] 跟艾米莉一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第747期:野外生存指南
The gas is running/getting low.2020-08-31 编辑:sophie