[Flash歌曲] 《暮光之城》电影讲解 第1期
2006-06-11 编辑:admin
[口语语汇] 电影讲解《其实你不懂他的心》第1-10期电子书(含音频)
Unit Two day 义 Everyday Expressions He goes on a walk every day. Most people work during the day. I got a day off work. 生活用语Street Talks A: You know what? They lengthened the working day from ei2006-06-20 编辑:admin
[口语句型] 电影片段精讲《成为简.奥斯丁》(含音频)
Part One 句型推荐 1. Where are you going to spend your vacation? 2. Are you going to go anyplace this year? 3. I am going to take a trip to Hong Kong. 4. How are you going? Are you going by boat? 52006-06-21 编辑:admin
[英语随身听] 新东方实用英语讲义:电影《我最好朋友的婚礼》
UK online gamers are on red alert as they prepare for the arrival of the Cyberathlete Professional League World Tour. The tour, which takes in nine countries on four continents, is the first of its k2006-06-22 编辑:admin
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 怀旧电影经典台词:天王盖地虎,宝塔镇河妖
有多少部怀旧电影还记得?有多少电影中经典台词还记得?还是只记得那些经典台词? 下面这些老电影中的经典台词是否也在你的记忆里呢?1. 站着进来,躺着出去!—《保密局的枪声》[qh]Come in with stand, and get o2011-11-18 编辑:lily
[邻家女孩] 电影随身听《邻家女孩》(16) 我被骗了
I'm sorry I got upset.我很抱歉,我很烦I just--I felt taken advantage of.我觉得被欺骗了Look, I'm not gonna be a dick. I know she loves you.我不想做个混球,我知道她爱你I'm gonna leave you g2011-11-21 编辑:lily
[影视动态] 像丁丁一样去冒险 探索电影中"失落的世界"
《地心历险记》 冒险英雄:冒险英雄:虽然其稀奇古怪的理论被学院众教授耻笑,地质学家特雷弗丝毫不气馁,他带着冒险兴趣浓厚的侄子肖恩,远赴冰岛寻找传说中的地心入口,并巧遇有着同样追求的美女登山向导2011-11-28 编辑:beck
[当幸福来敲门] 听电影《当幸福来敲门》:我这个人生阶段是 "实习生"
台词欣赏This part of my life is called "Internship."[qh]我这个人生阶段是 实习生[qh]The 1200 building is Medley Industrial and Sanko Oil.[qh]那栋大楼是麦氏工业和三光石油[qh]The building across the str2011-12-05 编辑:beck
[当幸福来敲门] 听电影《当幸福来敲门》:每一通电话都是一线希望
台词欣赏Some of you are here because you know somebody.[qh]有些人的人脉很广[qh]Some of you are here because you think you’re somebody.[qh]有些人自以为是大人物[qh]There’s one guy in here w2011-12-06 编辑:beck
[当幸福来敲门] 听电影《当幸福来敲门》:我想为那天的事向你道歉
台词欣赏What are you doing up here?[qh]你来这里有何贵干?[qh]I came to apologize for missing our appointment.[qh]我想为那天的事向你道歉[qh]You didn’t need to come up.[qh]你不必特意跑来[qh]We we2011-12-08 编辑:beck
[当幸福来敲门] 听电影《当幸福来敲门》:和时间赛跑
台词欣赏We were all working our way up call sheets to sign clients.[qh]我们都从清单底下开始打电话[qh]From the bottom to the top.[qh]从低层人员到高级主管[qh]From the doorman to the CEO.[qh]从门房到执行2011-12-07 编辑:beck
[当幸福来敲门] 听电影学英语:永恒的经典《蓝精灵》
影片简介蓝精灵 The Smurfs类别:奇幻| 动画| 家庭地区:美国主演: 安东·尤金 | 凯蒂·派瑞 | 汉克·阿扎利亚导演: 拉加·高斯内尔上映日期:2011/08/03【剧情简介】蓝精灵们一直在逃避邪恶巫师格格巫的追捕,笨2011-12-12 编辑:beck
[电影预告片] 电影《战舰》发全新预告 美国海军激战外星飞船
战舰 Battleship导演: 彼得·博格编剧: Jon Hoeber / Erich Hoeber主演: 连姆·尼森 / 亚历山大·斯卡斯加德 / 泰勒·克奇 / 乔什·平茨 / 布鲁克琳·黛克 / 蕾哈娜 / 杰西·普莱蒙类型: 动作 / 战争制片国家/地区:2011-12-12 编辑:beck
[当幸福来敲门] 听电影《当幸福来敲门》:我不可能让你替我理财
台词欣赏Wow, this is... This is the way to watch a football game here.喔,这样……这样看球赛才过瘾Thank you very much for this, really.多谢了。Hey, it’s my pleasure, Chris.别这么说,克里斯And,2011-12-09 编辑:beck
[当幸福来敲门] 听电影《当幸福来敲门》:你现在必须还我钱
台词欣赏Hey, what’s happening, man?[qh]怎么样?[qh]Wayne, I need to get that $ 14 from you.[qh]把你欠我的十四块钱给我[qh]I thought I didn’t owe you that now.[qh]我以为我不欠你钱了[qh]What2011-12-14 编辑:beck
[当幸福来敲门] 听电影《当幸福来敲门》:我现在就能修好机器
台词欣赏Chris?[qh]克里斯?[qh]Yes?[qh]什么事?[qh]Dr. Telm can’t get back to meet you. I’m sorry.[qh]邰医师不能见你,抱歉[qh]Where are we going now?[qh]我们现在又要去哪里?[qh]Gotta... W2011-12-15 编辑:beck
[当幸福来敲门] 听电影《当幸福来敲门》:这就是时光机器
台词欣赏Where are we going?[qh]我们要去哪里?[qh]Dad, where are we going?[qh]爸,我们要去哪里?[qh]I don’t know.[qh]我不知道[qh]It’s not a time machine.[qh]这不是时光机器[qh]Dad. It&rsquo2011-12-16 编辑:beck
[当幸福来敲门] 听电影《当幸福来敲门》:我们是原始人
台词欣赏All right, come on. We’ll push it together.[qh]好吧,我们一起按[qh]You gotta close your eyes. Close your eyes.[qh]你得闭上眼睛,闭上眼睛[qh]It takes a few seconds.[qh]然后等几秒钟[qh]Oh2011-12-19 编辑:beck
[当幸福来敲门] 听电影《当幸福来敲门》:我们得找一个山洞
台词欣赏We gotta find someplace safe.[qh]我们要去安全的地方[qh]Like what?[qh]哪里?[qh]We need a cave.[qh]一个山洞[qh]A cave?[qh]山洞?[qh]We gotta find a cave. Come on.[qh]我们得找到一个山洞,来吧[q2011-12-20 编辑:beck
[当幸福来敲门] 听电影《当幸福来敲门》:他们邀我去打高尔夫球
台词欣赏How you doing, Jay?[qh]你好吗?[qh]I’m doing good.[qh]很好[qh]How are you getting along?[qh]你呢?[qh]Good. I’m good.[qh]我很好[qh]You doing good?[qh]你很好?[qh]How you doing?[qh2011-12-21 编辑:beck