[生活英语情境口语] 生活情境口语之购物:买锅(5)
A: I'm looking for a pan I can use in my kitchen.[qh] 我想买个在厨房里用的锅。[qh]B: What size pan were you thinking of?[qh] 你想要多大的锅?[qh]A: I've already got a small pan. I need a big2011-12-29 编辑:rainbow
[留学生活] 英国留学生活之理发篇
理发是人人都会遇到的生活问题,留学英国的学生怎样选择理发店才能质量过关又不贵呢?看看专家给您的意见吧! 理发应该是除了学费住宿费外,留学生在英的较大一笔开销(如果你常理发的话),男生理发少说也要2011-12-31 编辑:Amy
[生活英语情境口语] 生活情境口语之购物:杂货店购物(7)
A: Hi. I'm looking for some good deals on produce.[qh] 嗨,我在找一些价廉物美的食物。[qh]B: You might want to try the mangoes.[qh] 也许你可以尝试一下芒果。[qh]A: Can you describe a mango to me?[q2012-01-11 编辑:rainbow
[留学生活] 美国留学:新生生活最常见的困难
美国留学生逐年增多,如今美国大学开学的日子渐渐临近,可能有的留学生已经踏上了去美国留学的旅程,有的学生正在准备留学行李。今天给大家讲讲美国大学开学后,留学生可能会遇到的各种困难。 据调查,美国留2011-12-30 编辑:Amy
[生活英语情境口语] 生活情境口语之购物:杂货店购物(2)
A: Where is the produce? 产品在哪里?B: It's on the south wall of the store, in aisle A. 在通道A口,商店的南面墙上。A: Is there any produce on sale? 那儿有什么产品在打折吗?B: I don't know. T2011-12-31 编辑:rainbow
[生活英语情境口语] 生活情境口语之购物:杂货店购物(3)
A: I'm looking for some fresh produce that's on sale.[qh] 我们在找一些特价并且新鲜的食物。[qh]B: Well, we just got in some mangoes.[qh] 嗯,我们刚刚进了一些芒果。[qh]A: Mangoes. What are they2012-01-04 编辑:rainbow
[生活英语情境口语] 生活情境口语之购物:买名片(4)
A: I need to order new business cards.[qh] 我要订制新的名片。[qh]B: Do you have any idea how many you'd like?[qh] 你想好需要多少了吗?[qh]A: I think 2,000 would be enough.[qh] 我想2000张就够了。[2012-01-19 编辑:rainbow
[生活英语情境口语] 生活情境口语之购物:杂货店购物(6)
A: Can you tell me about some good deals on produce?[qh] 能告诉我这里有没有在打折的食物?[qh]B: The mangoes are on sale today. [qh]今天芒果打折。[qh]A: What exactly are mangoes?[qh] 芒果具体是什么样的2012-01-10 编辑:rainbow
[生活英语情境口语] 生活情境口语之购物:询问一套家具(1)
Asking about a Furniture Set 询问一套家具A: I need to find a new furniture set for my living room.[qh] 我需要给我的客厅找一套新家具。[qh]B: Where are you going to find one?[qh] 你想到哪里找呢?[qh]A:2012-01-28 编辑:rainbow
[生活英语情境口语] 生活情境口语之购物:买名片(2)
A: I need to purchase some business cards.[qh] 我需要买一些名片。[qh]B: No problem. How many are you thinking about?[qh] 没问题,你想卖多少?[qh]A: I think 2,000 would be fine.[qh] 我想2000张就可以了2012-01-13 编辑:rainbow
[生活英语情境口语] 生活情境口语之购物:杂货店购物(4)
A: Can you direct me to some fresh produce that's on sale?[qh] 能告诉我哪里能买到正在打折的新鲜的水果吗?[qh]B: Well, we've got some great mangoes on sale.[qh] 嗯,我们有很不错的芒果正在打折。2012-01-05 编辑:rainbow
[趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:让生活亮起来~
Take my beloved with me!时刻都带着我的宝贝!bloody scene of crime血腥的犯罪现场role play戏中戏bottle shoes瓶子鞋every different龙生九子,各有不同instant noodle in watermelon西瓜速食面miniature umbrel2011-12-31 编辑:jasmine
[生活英语情境口语] 生活情境口语之购物:询问一套家具(3)
A: I have to find a living room set.[qh] 我要买套客厅家具。[qh]B: Where are you planning on looking for one?[qh] 你打算去哪儿找找看?[qh]A: I don't know.[qh] 我不知道。[qh]B: I can tell you where2012-01-30 编辑:rainbow
[校园口语] 校园口语第160课:生活告诉我们要学会这些
生活告诉我们要学会这些1.Make the choice to be happy. The biggest part of being happy is to simply make up your mind to be a happy person. It's not about circumstances, it's about choice.做一个2012-01-11 编辑:max
[生活英语情境口语] 生活情境口语之购物:买名片(3)
A: I need to get some business cards printed up.[qh] 我需要买一些印制好的名片。[qh]B: Do you know how many you need?[qh] 你知道你需要多少吗?[qh]A: I think I can get by with 2,000.[qh] 我想我需要二千2012-01-17 编辑:rainbow
[生活英语情境口语] 生活情境口语之购物:买名片(1)
Buying Business Cards 买名片A: Hello. I would like to buy some business cards.[qh] 你好,我想买些名片。[qh]B: Excellent. How many would you like?[qh] 太好了。你想要多少?[qh]A: Two thousand would be2012-01-12 编辑:rainbow
[生活英语情境口语] 生活情境口语之购物:买名片(5)
A: I'm about to run out of business cards. I need some new ones.[qh] 我的名片用完了。我需要一些新的。[qh]B: We can print as many as you like. Just tell me how many.[qh] 你想印多少,我们就能印多少2012-01-20 编辑:rainbow
[生活英语情境口语] 生活情境口语之购物:买电冰箱(1)
Buying a Refrigerator 买个电冰箱A: Can I help you find something?[qh] 我能为你做点什么吗?[qh]B: I would like to buy a new fridge.[qh] 我想买个新的冰箱。[qh]A: Is there one in particular that you lik2012-01-31 编辑:rainbow
[生活英语情境口语] 生活情境口语之购物:询问一套家具(2)
A: I'm going to buy a new living room set.[qh] 我打算买一套家具。[qh]B: Where are you going to buy one?[qh] 你想到哪儿去买?[qh]A: I'm really not sure.[qh] 我不确定。[qh]B: You like my living2012-01-29 编辑:rainbow
[生活英语情境口语] 生活情境口语之购物:杂货店购物(5)
A: Where is some fresh produce that's on sale?[qh] 哪里有卖新鲜并在打折的食物?[qh]B: Well, I think you'll like the mangoes.[qh] 嗯,我想你会喜欢芒果的。[qh]A: I've never had a mango.[qh]2012-01-06 编辑:rainbow