[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第13期Test1(1-2)
Don't press the red button please,but don't worry,it's all clearly labelled. 请不要按动红色按钮,不过别担心,都清楚地写明了。2014-01-13 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第17期Test2(2-3)
Thanks.And are there lots of places to go to aroud here?2014-01-17 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第16期Test2(2-2)
Yes.There's a range of ticket prices depending on when you travel and when you buy your ticket.2014-01-16 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第15期Test2(2-1)
OK.Well,I can give you lot of details about all the trains going from Trebirch in the South2014-01-15 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第18期Test2(3-1)
Hello,Sandy.How have you been getting on with your dissertation? 你好,桑迪。你的论文写的怎么样了。2014-01-18 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第21期Test2(4-1)
when two friends were arguing over whether a horse ever had all four feet or hooves off the ground when it galloped. 那时候有两个朋友争论马在奔跑时四蹄是否有同时离地的时刻。2014-02-02 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第22期Test2(4-2)
Well now,news of the new system in America travelled fast and a number of rival European systems started to appear once people had heard about it. 新系统的消息在美国传播的很快。一旦人们有所耳闻,许多欧洲系统的竞争者争相出现。2014-02-03 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第23期Test2(4-3)
and there were cases of people watching the movie and actually fainting when the character fired a gun at the camera! 当人们看到演员在电影中开枪时,很多人都晕倒了。2014-02-04 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第27期Test3(1-4)
And would you like to receivc information about the bank's other services - insurance,loans,anything like that? 你想接收银行的其他服务信息吗,比如保险、贷款之类的?2014-02-08 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第26期Test3(1-3)
Well,I'm in Britain as a project manager,but that's not my main job. 我在英国做项目经理,但是这不是我的主要工作,2014-02-07 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第31期Test3(2-3)
Follow the path round the second corner and on your right you will see the entrance to the Mulberry Garden with its 500-year-old tree. 小路的第二个转角,你会发现你的右手边是桑树园的入口,那里有一株500年的古树。2014-02-11 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第29期Test3(2-2)
He was no longer on speaking terms with his brother and had been devastated by the death at the age of seven of his elder daughter,Josephine. 他和他兄弟的关系不好,而且他7岁的大女儿约瑟芬的离世对他的打击极大。2014-02-10 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第28期Test3(2-1)
Welcome,everybody,to the lovely house and gardens of Rosewood,once the home of the famous writer,Sebastian George. 欢迎大家来到美丽的Rosewood花园别墅,这里曾经是著名作家塞巴斯蒂安·乔治的家。2014-02-09 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第33期Test3(2-4)
Spend a minute or two watching the water pass by underneath as you cross the footbridge, and then continue along the River Walk through the woodland. 当你走过桥上,花一两分钟观看脚下的河水,然后继续在树林中沿溪流而行。2014-02-13 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第35期Test3(3-2)
Well,we have to do two groups,remenber,and it looks like we have to interview fifteen for each group. 我们要调查两组人,记得吗。看起来每一组我们要采访15个人。2014-02-15 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第39期Test3(4-2)
The early farmers kept various animals,including cattle and sheep. 早期的农民饲养各种动物,包括牛和羊。2014-02-19 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第40期Test3(4-3)
The stone blade of a plough has been discovered during excavation in County Mayo in western Ireland. 在爱尔兰西部的梅欧郡发掘出了石刀的犁。2014-02-20 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第38期Test3(4-1)
Good morning everyone.Last week we were looking at the hunter-gatherers in Ireland,across the Irish Sea fromEngland. 大家早上好。上周我们介绍了与英格兰隔爱尔兰海相望的爱尔兰的原始狩猎族。2014-02-18 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第41期Test3(4-4)
Now it's clear that these Neolithic axes were transported all over lreland,as well as to Scotland and the south of England. 现在很显然,这些新石器时代的斧子被运往爱尔兰的各处,还送到了苏格兰和英格兰南部。2014-02-21 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第44期Test4(1-3)
The details are all in our conference pack,which I'll send you. 详情都在我们的会议资料里,我会寄给你。2014-02-24 编辑:hoy