[] CNN讲解2013-07-29 PDF文本+mp3+LRC字幕
1970-01-01 编辑:
[2013年7月CNN news] CNN双语讲解附字幕:全球规模最大学校供餐计划受到影响
在贫穷的比哈尔,政府学校95%的免费午餐来自于像这样的个人厨房。这里的温度大约是40摄氏度或华氏100度,而且没有风扇,没有电力,没有桌子或椅子,没有操场,没有浴室。2013-07-29 编辑:mike
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:中国未婚母亲数量增多
Every year in China, the number of unmarried women giving birth grows by 10 to 13 percent. And surveys by Chinese media show that unwed mothers are getting younger and younger. Many are struggling i..2013-07-30 编辑:Sunny
[] CNN讲解2013-07-30 PDF文本+mp3+LRC字幕
1970-01-01 编辑:
[2013年7月CNN news] CNN双语讲解附字幕:美国齐默尔曼枪击案"不退让法"正义性遭质疑
他表示陪审团决定乔治·齐默尔曼的无罪可能是一个对于不退让法争论坚持的关键时刻。2013-07-30 编辑:mike
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:联合国需要数十亿美元来帮助数百万人
The United Nations says it needs a record $13 billion to help tens of millions of people around the world through the end of the year.2013-07-31 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-今日美国] VOA慢速附字幕:外国人和美国人涌向迈阿密
Today we tell the story of the Miami, Florida. The area is very popular with travelers. The clear skies and sunny days bring people from all over the world.2013-08-01 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:孟加拉国服装工人的权利得到加强
Today we tell about efforts to strengthen the rights of about four million garment workers in Bangladesh.2013-08-01 编辑:Sunny
[2013年8月CNN news] CNN双语讲解附字幕:贩毒集团哲塔斯头领特维诺被墨西哥当局抓获
威廉玛丽教授,研究哲塔斯的专家乔治·格雷森表示随着特维诺的落网,绝对的恶魔已经被根除。2013-08-01 编辑:mike
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:西班牙脱轨列车司机被控79项杀人罪
The High Court of Galicia says the judge ordered Mr. Garzon to report to the court every week. The suspect is barred from leaving Spain and not permitted to drive a train for six months.2013-08-02 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-建国史话] VOA慢速附字幕:建国史话—1812年战争的结束
We have been talking about the War of 1812 between the United States and Britain. In the summer of 1814, the two countries opened peace talks at Ghent, in Belgium.2013-08-02 编辑:Sunny
[2013年7月CNN news] CNN双语讲解附字幕:美国传奇女记者"总统的折磨"海伦·托马斯逝世
从总统约翰·F·肯尼迪到奥巴马,她替许多美国民众问了希望这些领导人面对的棘手问题。2013-07-31 编辑:mike
[看电影学英语] CNN讲解2013-08-02 PDF文本+mp3+LRC字幕
文化面面观 音乐剧将戏剧、舞蹈、音乐、诗歌通过不同的途径混合起来的样式并非是百老汇的首创和发明,可以说古典音乐和通俗表演才是音乐剧的亲生父母。 视频下载影片对白Effie: I'm sorry I'm late. C.C. : Effie2007-06-29 编辑:admin
[2013年8月CNN news] CNN双语讲解附字幕:飞机机组人员讲述着陆惊险瞬间
我实际上是坐在靠近前面,所以这只是来自飞机的一种硬冲击然后我们绝望地试图尽快停下飞机。2013-08-02 编辑:mike
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:叙利亚难民在黎巴嫩的遭遇
The United Nations says an estimated 1.8 million Syrians have fled their country since the Syrian conflict started two years ago.2013-08-03 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:声音专家与耳聋作斗争
Recycling efforts are increasing around the world as people consider new ways to preserve the world's limited resources.2013-08-04 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:泰国分析漏油带来的损失
Today we tell the story of a worker at London's Buckingham Palace. He became famous in announcing the birth of Britain's Prince George last week. Now, this man is the subject of an internati..2013-08-05 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:索马里脊髓灰质炎病例增加
Today we tell we tell about cases of the disease polio in Somalia and the danger that it might spread beyond Somali borders.2013-08-06 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-今日美国] VOA慢速附字幕:美国西南部的一处UNESCO世界遗产
This week on our program, we explore a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the American Southwest, near the city of Carlsbad, New Mexico.2013-08-07 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-科学报道] VOA慢速附字幕:许多地方高温天气越发常见
Today we talk about hot weather in the United States and around the world. We also tell you about the best ways to prevent and treat problems caused by extreme heat.2013-08-08 编辑:Sunny