[魔法师的外甥 ] 《魔法师的外甥》第38期:灯柱前的战斗(4)
In the darkness something was happening at last. A voice had begun to sing. It was very far away and 2012-11-22 编辑:Jasmine
[魔法师的外甥 ] 《魔法师的外甥》第27期:安德鲁舅舅的麻烦开始了(4)
"Stop," said the Witch, just as he reached the door. "Do not dream of treachery. My eyes can se2012-11-07 编辑:Jasmine
[魔法师的外甥 ] 《魔法师的外甥》第28期:安德鲁舅舅的麻烦开始了(5)
"I don't see what's going to happen to you. It's Mr Ketterley who's going to sit on red h2012-11-08 编辑:Jasmine
[魔法师的外甥 ] 《魔法师的外甥》第29期:安德鲁舅舅的麻烦开始了(6)
You see, the foolish old man was actually beginning to imagine the Witch would fall in love with him. The2012-11-09 编辑:Jasmine
[能言马与男孩] 《能言马与男孩》第42期:在蒂斯罗克的密室里(2)
"Understand, O my son," said the Tisroc, "that no words you can speak will move me to open war&2012-11-27 编辑:Jasmine
[能言马与男孩] 《能言马与男孩》第43期:在蒂斯罗克的密室里(3)
"All this," said the Tisroc, "is a question for the disputations of learned men. I will never believ2012-11-28 编辑:Jasmine
[能言马与男孩] 《能言马与男孩》第44期:在蒂斯罗克的密室里(4)
"And how if the Splendour Hyaline is at Cair Paravel before you?""I do not look for that with t2012-11-29 编辑:Jasmine
[能言马与男孩] 《能言马与男孩》第45期:在蒂斯罗克的密室里(5)
"O eternal Tisroc," answered Ahosta, "the strength of paternal affection is not unknown to me and I2012-11-30 编辑:Jasmine
[能言马与男孩] 《能言马与男孩》第46期:在蒂斯罗克的密室里(6)
"Go, my son," he said. "And do as you have said. But expect no help nor countenance from me.&nb2012-12-03 编辑:Jasmine
[能言马与男孩] 《能言马与男孩》第35期:阿拉维斯在塔什班城(1)
Chapter 7 Aravis in TashbaanWhat had really happened was this. When Aravis saw Shasta hurried away by the Narn2012-11-16 编辑:Jasmine
[能言马与男孩] 《能言马与男孩》第31期:沙斯塔在坟场里(1)
Chapter 6 Shasta among the TombsSHASTA ran lightly along the roof on tiptoes. It felt hot to his bare fee2012-11-12 编辑:Jasmine
[能言马与男孩] 《能言马与男孩》第25期:科林王子(1)
Chapter 5 Prince Corin"MY dear sister and very good Lady," said King Edmund, "you must now show your2012-11-02 编辑:Jasmine
[能言马与男孩] 《能言马与男孩》第41期:在蒂斯罗克的密室里(1)
Chapter 8 In the House of The Tisroc"OH-my-father-and-oh-the-delight-of-my-eyes," began the young man, muttering the wor2012-11-26 编辑:Jasmine
[艺术娱乐] VOA视频:作家邝丽莎带您游览洛杉矶中国城
Download Lisa See Celebrates Los Angeles Chinatown作家邝丽莎带您游览洛杉矶中国城The author Lisa See has written about the Chinese American&n2012-11-29 编辑:Jasmine
[SAT学习经验] SAT2考试经验:读小说 记单词
“背单词的方法时,就是一天看一课,不要去想这个单词可能会忘啊什么的,就是不停地用眼睛去建立单词和词义之间的联系。看完之后,隔个半小时再看一遍,一天看个7、8遍就差不多了。学习其实就是重复。“单词,对于英语学习还是非常重要的。像我刚考的SAT,要求的词汇量大概要12000左右,没什么特殊的方法吧,就是重复,一遍一遍地过啊!像现在小高考之后在家没事,我就翻翻词汇。2012-11-27 编辑:melody
[最后一战] 《最后一战》第42期:谁将入马厩?(1)
吉尔觉得有个东西弄得她的耳朵痒痒的。原来是独角兽珍宝,正用它那马嘴对她低声说着清晰的耳语。她一听见它的话就点点头,踮着脚走回驴子迷惑正站在那儿的地方。2012-11-28 编辑:Jasmine
[最后一战] 《最后一战》第45期:谁将入马厩?(4)
"喂,金格,"卡乐门队长说,"你号叫得够了。把你所看见的,告诉它们吧。""阿艾——阿艾——阿奥——阿瓦。"猫儿叫道。2012-12-03 编辑:Jasmine
[最后一战] 《最后一战》第46期:谁将入马厩?(5)
"我的父亲,"他对队长说道,"我也想进去。""安静,伊梅思,"队长说道,"谁叫你来讨论的,一个孩子发言,合适吗?""我的父亲,"伊梅思说,"我确实比你年幼,然而我甚至跟你一样,也是出生于'泰坎'血统,也是塔什神的仆人。因此……"2012-12-04 编辑:Jasmine
[最后一战] 《最后一战》第47期:谁将入马厩?(6)
接着,就像金格一样,伊梅思走上前来,进入簧火与马厩之间的那片开阔的草地。他的眼睛闪闪发光,他的脸色庄重,他的手按在剑柄上,他的头昂得高高的。吉尔望着他的脸时,觉得自己快要哭了。珍宝在国王的耳边低语道:"狮王的旅毛啊,我几乎爱上这年轻的战士了,虽然他是个卡乐门士兵。比塔什更好的神才值得他尊敬哩。"2012-12-05 编辑:Jasmine
[美食祈祷和恋爱] 《美食祈祷和恋爱》Chapter 103 (247):买房
可是大姐还是必须买房子,而我开始担心这不会发生。我不清楚为何未发生,但是非发生不可。斐利贝和我如今已插手干预。我们找到一名房地产经纪人,带我们四处看地产,但大姐都不喜欢。2012-11-28 编辑:Jasmine