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Severity: Notice

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Line Number: 28

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Severity: Warning

Message: Memcache::connect(): Can't connect to, Connection refused (111)

Filename: libraries/Cache_file.php

Line Number: 28

方法文章精选_方法- 可可英语


您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 方法 的文章共有:281
  • [恋爱物语] 恋爱物语 赞美女孩的技巧在于发现"美"

    Listen up to these tips and tricks from relationship expert Candy Jannetta on how to compliment a girl and what pitfalls to avoid.来倾听恋爱专家肯迪·捷耐特的建议吧,如何更聪明地赞美女孩。Today, I&am

    2012-08-17 编辑:Amosway

  • [他她话题] 多读书读好书:10个方法让你挤出更多时间读书!

    "I really should read more books," you tell yourself. There's all this information you want to acquire, all these skills you want to learn.你告诉自己,"我应该多看些书"。书

    2012-08-17 编辑:justxrh

  • [雅思阅读辅导] 雅思阅读T/F/NG的内在涵义及判断方法


    2012-08-17 编辑:rainbow

  • [创意生活] 创意生活 清理背部毛发 也可轻松舒适

    When it comes to removing hair on a man, no part of the body is taboo. But if you can't get in to see your favorite waxer...how about getting rid of back hair the old-fashioned way... with a

    2012-08-20 编辑:Amosway

  • [他她话题] 多读书读好书:10个方法让你挤出更多时间读书(下)

    6.Buy audio books.6.购买有声图书。If you prefer to do your "reading" by listening, this option will work well for you.如果你喜欢听书,这种方式会很适合你。7.Read one book at a time.7.一次只看

    2012-08-21 编辑:justxrh

  • [食尚男女] 自制香草冰激凌 解暑又美味的选择

    This vanilla ice cream recipe makes the creamiest and tastiest vanilla ice cream you will ever eat. Experience our Easy Vanilla Ice Cream recipe.按照视频中的方法来制作可口的香草冰激凌吧,自己动手,味

    2012-08-23 编辑:Amosway

  • [创意生活] 辨别真假钻石 七个自助式甄别方法

    Have you ever wondered if your diamond is the real thing or a fake? Aside from taking your ring in to the jewellery store, there actually are some ways you can tell yourself. We will show some of the

    2012-08-23 编辑:Amosway

  • [快乐职场] 职场策略:如何摆脱没完没了的电话

    If you're on the phone with someone who doesn't respect your time, here's your way out.如果打电话时碰上对方说起来没完没了,可以参考一下我们的建议。Step 1: Pre-emption1.预先判断

    2012-08-28 编辑:Amosway

  • [雅思动态] 申请雅思转考和退考的方法

      1. 问: 报名后,我能更改考试类型吗?  答: 很抱歉,在你完成报名手续后不可以更改考试类型。如果你计划报考培训类,建议你在报考前先查阅你所要报考的日期是否有培训类考试。  2. 问: 报名后,我能更改考试

    2012-08-27 编辑:rainbow

  • [体育户外] 一体化训练法 快速锻炼腹部肌肉

    This is an excellent ab exercise for strengthening your abs and core muscles. You can find a much more thorough and detailed text description of this exercise and how to do it at http://www.popularfi

    2012-08-30 编辑:Amosway

  • [健康幸福] 超强记忆法3大提示 迅速提升自身记忆力

    Tony Buzan is a leading expert on the brain and learning, and was founder of the World Memory Championships. In this film he talks about overcoming the common problems that people have with memory, a

    2012-08-30 编辑:Amosway

  • [健康幸福] 简单方法自己量血压 健康状况随时掌控

    If you suffer from high blood pressure, self-checking can be a useful way of monitoring your progress as you attempt lower your blood pressure. This film, made in conjunction with the Blood Pressure

    2012-09-06 编辑:qihui

  • [健康幸福] 跟油性皮肤说再见 专家教你简单护理方法

    Beauty therapist Sarah Chapman shows VideoJug users how to care for oily skin. Oily skin is shiny and thick with open pores and blackhead, so learn how to combat this with VideoJug's help.美容

    2012-09-07 编辑:qihui

  • [雅思阅读辅导] 突破雅思阅读的方法:从阅读到悦读

      人物自述  曾经不止一次遇到外教这样“恭维”我:“你们中国人的语法比我们还好!”这种恭维在我听来实在有点刺耳。当然,我不是说语法不重要。语法也是雅思阅读的一部分,本期我主要来谈谈如何从四方面入手,

    2012-09-11 编辑:rainbow

  • [星座英语] 秋膘别来:十二星座"定制"减肥方法

    Aries:  白羊座  You might be lucky enough to reach your fitness goal by simplycutting out bread and taking up jogging. Most Aries have a highrate of metabolism, and they love going fast. But it&a

    2012-09-11 编辑:justxrh

  • [健康生活] 多多运动身体好:5种方法挤出时间去运动!

    We all know that exercise is important – vital, in fact. Yet, one of the most common excuses for not&nb

    2012-09-10 编辑:justxrh

  • [雅思阅读辅导] 雅思阅读方法介绍:结构阅读法

      下面新东方网雅思频道为大家整理了雅思阅读方法介绍:结构阅读法,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。  雅思阅读考试中的主流题型“细节配对题”以其典型的“乱序”和“同义替换”特点位居考生最怕题型之榜首。其

    2012-09-17 编辑:rainbow

  • [学习经验] 考研英语单词记忆方法总结

    词缀、词根记忆法:这是最有效、最容易的单词记忆方法, 因为它涉及单词构成的本质所在,我们可以通过分解单词的前缀、词根、后缀以及派生、合成等方式来理解单词的含义。比如impenetrable 的前缀“im-” 具有“ 不

    2012-09-18 编辑:mike

  • [考试经验] 四级翻译技巧:汉译英-无主句的翻译方法

    汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了可用英语无主句、“There be…”结构或者根据情景补出语境来翻译之外,运用被动语态来翻译也是常用技巧。

    2012-09-20 编辑:Amosway

  • [雅思听力辅导] 纠正雅思发音及提高听力的方法

      作为一名初中水平开始的英语自学者,我在英语发音和听力方面取得一些成就。下面是自我纠正发音及提高听力的心得,现愿作分享,借以回复朋友问的如何提高自已的听力和发音的问题:  1.语音部分。  材料准备:  A.准备好一张厚点儿的脸皮,足够的耐心,一个不练好发音决不放弃的决心。  B.一本合适的语音书,不论英音或美音,讲的越详细越好。  C.一个复读机。  方法:  开头语:朋友们中大半是超过16岁

    2012-09-20 编辑:Rainbow