[关注社会] 全球经济低迷 股市大幅回落
Financial markets got a jolt Thursday after a relatively calm summer, when European leaders ratcheted up pressure on Greece and new reports on economies in Europe, the U.S. and China pointed to globa2012-08-26 编辑:justxrh
[他她话题] 中国经济增速到底下降了多少?
The news out of the Middle Kingdom overnight wasn't very reassuring: HSBC's August PMI for China hit a nine-month low, another sign that the economy in China is slowing down. This is2012-08-26 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 上证综指连创新低表明全球经济将遇险?
Last week we questioned just how bad China's slowdown really is, concluding that it's probably worse than the official numbers are showing. This week brings more confirmation that the2012-08-30 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 中国经济放缓对外国公司意味着什么?
By now, most Americans have heard that China's economy is slowing to some extent. And they've heard that China's slow-down may be a drag on U.S. growth. But American businesse2012-09-10 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 关注社会:被经济"偷走"的退休生活
Danny Sullivan dreams of gardening and spending time with his grandchildren, but that's just a fantasy. Retirement is out of his reach, at least for the foreseeable future. 丹尼ӥ2012-09-10 编辑:justxrh
[科技新闻] 科技咨询:淘宝经济催生"淘女郎"
Tian Yuan Yuan is China's top Internet model, a title she earned by promoting products from skin-tight leggings to rabbit fur bags through online shopping site Taobao Marketplace.田媛媛是中国2012-09-07 编辑:justxrh
[科技新闻] 小小iPhone能给经济带来大影响
The next iPhone, which Apple Inc. plans to unveil this week, could do something the White House, Congress and Federal Reserve have struggled to do: boost the U.S. economy.苹果公司(Apple Inc.)计划这周2012-09-11 编辑:kekenet
[经济] VOA视频:安哥拉经济腾飞,有喜亦有忧
现在安哥拉在全世界经济增长最快的时期,它的首都罗安达正经历着戏剧性的经济增长。那里成为了西方人寻找发财机会的绝佳地点,但对于安哥拉人来说,城市的快速发展给他们的生活带来了丝丝苦涩。2012-09-20 编辑:Jasmine
[CCTV9] 日本经济因钓鱼岛纷争遭受重创
Amid the dispute with China about the Diaoyu Islands, there are some voices in Japan expressing anger at the&n2012-09-25 编辑:mike
[经济] VOA视频:俄罗斯打造环太平洋重要城市
The world spotlight shone on Vladivostok in early September when 20 Asia-Pacific heads of government gathered for a2012-09-28 编辑:Jasmine
[NPR News 2012年10月] NPR讲解附字幕:国内问题聚焦丹佛会议 适量招聘应对疲软经济
正文部分From NPR News in Washington, I'm Lakshmi Singh.这里是华盛顿NPR新闻,我是拉克什米·辛格。Millions of people are expected to tune in tonig2012-10-10 编辑:Rainbow
[时事新闻] IMF和世行警告全球经济困境
The International Monetary Fund is warning that global economic growth is slowing at the same time the World B2012-10-13 编辑:ivy
[时事新闻] 美国副总统候选人对阵经济中东议题
U.S. Vice Presdient Joe Biden and Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan disagreed early and often on for2012-10-13 编辑:ivy
[剑桥大学《人类学》] 剑桥大学《人类学》第7课:经济人类学与消费的财富
课程简介:人类学顾名思义就是研究人类的本质的学科。从生物和文化的角度对人类进行全面研究的学科群,最早见于古希腊哲学家亚里士多德对具有高尚道德品质及行为的人的描述中。在19世纪以前,人类学这个词的用法相当于我们今天所说的体质人类学,尤其是指对人体解剖学和生理学的研究。2012-10-22 编辑:kekenet
[剑桥大学《人类学》] 剑桥大学《人类学》第8课:经济人类学与财富交换
课程简介:人类学顾名思义就是研究人类的本质的学科。从生物和文化的角度对人类进行全面研究的学科群,最早见于古希腊哲学家亚里士多德对具有高尚道德品质及行为的人的描述中。在19世纪以前,人类学这个词的用法相当于我们今天所说的体质人类学,尤其是指对人体解剖学和生理学的研究。2012-10-23 编辑:kekenet
[剑桥大学《人类学》] 剑桥大学《人类学》第9课:经济人类学与财富分布
课程简介:人类学顾名思义就是研究人类的本质的学科。从生物和文化的角度对人类进行全面研究的学科群,最早见于古希腊哲学家亚里士多德对具有高尚道德品质及行为的人的描述中。在19世纪以前,人类学这个词的用法相当于我们今天所说的体质人类学,尤其是指对人体解剖学和生理学的研究。2012-10-24 编辑:kekenet
[NPR News 2012年10月] NPR讲解附字幕:伯南克否认美国经济衰退 德总理候选人批默克尔政策
正文部分From NPR News in Washington, I'm Lakshmi Singh.这里是华盛顿的NPR新闻,我是拉克什米·辛格。Investors are bolstered by the latest upbeat economi2012-10-18 编辑:Aimee
[时事新闻] 野田宽松刺激经济,日本各政党各怀鬼胎
JAPANESE Economy Minister Seiji Maehara said the country needs more monetary easing and policy efforts to encourage 2012-10-22 编辑:spring
[经济] VOA视频:"农场餐桌"为你提供最新鲜的食物
Serving Farm-Fresh Meals at the Farm农场餐桌在农场为你提供美食Farm to Table refers to a movement promoting locally grown food which&n2012-10-22 编辑:Jasmine
[口语怎么说-新闻篇] 这句话怎么说(时事篇) 第46期:“触底”怎么说?
【背景】中国国家统计局18日公布前三季度主要经济数据,其中第三季度GDP同比增长7.4%,创14个季度以来的新低。“跛脚的中国龙”、“中国奇迹结束了吗”……这些似曾相识的质疑迅速从部分西方媒体上冒出来。不过大多数经济界人士的反应却是“松了口气”,他们从同期公布的其他数据中看到了“世界增长的引擎正触底企稳”。【新闻】我们来看相关英文报道:Digesting recent econ2012-10-25 编辑:kekenet