[时事热搜榜] 全球最长寿老人田中力子去世 享年119岁
全球最长寿老人田中力子于日前去世。2022-04-27 编辑:max
[热点资讯传送门] 日本疑似出现首例不明原因儿童肝炎
日本厚生劳动省昨日报告了一例疑似“不明原因儿童急性肝炎”病例。2022-04-28 编辑:max
[VOA慢速-科技报道] 日本科研人员研发出可食用水泥
日本东京大学的研究人员发明了一种以令人惊讶的方式利用食物垃圾的新技术。2022-06-09 编辑:Magi
[可可英语晨读] 269 日本重开国门,游客主力还是中国人?
Japan’s June 10 reopening: tourism sector braces for surge of travel-starved visitors eager to ‘experience, not see’ the country Japan’s travel industry is eagerly anticipating the fuller reopeni..2022-06-15 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 269 日本重开国门,游客主力还是中国人?
Japan’s June 10 reopening: tourism sector braces for surge of travel-starved visitors eager to ‘experience, not see’ the country Japan’s travel industry is eagerly anticipating the fuller reopeni..2022-06-15 编辑:kekechendu
[晨读蜕变计划 第1期] 【0615直播回放】日本重开国门,游客主力还是中国人吗?
旅游行业回暖,日本旅游重振2022-06-15 编辑:wangyu
[可可英语口语] 口语64-富士山或将喷发,日本将会如何应对?
今天在“世界奇观”栏目中,我们来聊聊“日本富士山”,Let's talk about “Possible Mount Fuji Eruption ” in today’s program.2022-06-22 编辑:lulu
[可可英语晨读] 287 安倍之死:外媒竟用这个词概括他的一生
Abe Shinzo, the champion of Japan Abe Shinzo, Japan’s former prime minister, was shot on Friday morning during a campaign speech in the western city of Nara. Shortly before 6pm in Tokyo, Mr Abe w..2022-07-11 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 287 安倍之死:外媒竟用这个词概括他的一生
Abe Shinzo, the champion of Japan Abe Shinzo, Japan’s former prime minister, was shot on Friday morning during a campaign speech in the western city of Nara. Shortly before 6pm in Tokyo, Mr Abe w..2022-07-11 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语口语] 口语80-安倍遇刺事件,女保镖表情亮了……
今天在“政治”栏目中,我们来聊聊“前日本首相安倍晋三遇刺身亡”,Let's talk about “Assassination” in today’s program.2022-07-11 编辑:lulu
[时事热搜榜] 日本前首相安倍晋三遭枪击不治身亡
日本前首相安倍晋三在日本西部城市奈良发表政治演讲时遇刺身亡。2022-07-12 编辑:max
[2022年AP News] 游客重返黄石国家公园
6月13日,黄石国家公园因大规模洪灾而关闭,现在游客们又回到了公园。2022-07-21 编辑:Helen
[可可英语口语] 口语93-供奉战犯的妖僧“传真法师”与吴啊萍不可原谅!
今天在“国内热点”栏目中,我们来聊聊“南京玄奘寺供奉日军战犯牌位事件”,Let's talk about “Wu Aping enshrining the memorial tablets of Japanese war criminals in a local temple”in today’s program.2022-07-26 编辑:lulu
[热点资讯传送门] 日本正式批准核污染水排海计划
近日,日本核监管机构批准将废弃的福岛核电站的污水排放入海2022-07-25 编辑:max
[可可英语口语] 口语94.日本樱岛火山再喷发,烟柱高达1500米
今天在“国际新闻”栏目中,我们来聊聊“日本樱岛火山喷发”,Let's talk about “Japan's Sakurajima volcano erupts”in today’s program.2022-07-27 编辑:lulu
[可可英语晨读] 302 日本发生罕见“人猴大战”,猴王疑似被击毙
Monkey put down but hunt still on after attacks in Japanese city Hunters on the trail of a group of monkeys that have attacked and wounded nearly 50 people in western Japan have caught and killed..2022-08-01 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 302 日本发生罕见“人猴大战”,猴王疑似被击毙
Monkey put down but hunt still on after attacks in Japanese city Hunters on the trail of a group of monkeys that have attacked and wounded nearly 50 people in western Japan have caught and killed..2022-08-01 编辑:kekechendu
[VOA慢速-健康报道] 为帮猫狗消暑, 日本推出宠物可穿戴电风扇
东京一家服装制造商与一名动物医生合作,为狗和猫等家养宠物设计了一款可穿戴的降温设备。2022-08-09 编辑:Magi
[可可英语晨读] 319 为鼓励年轻人多喝酒,日本举办“喝酒万岁”大赛
Japan’s government launches competition to get people drinking The Japanese government has launched a nationwide competition calling for ideas to encourage people to drink more alcohol after a ch..2022-08-24 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 319 为鼓励年轻人多喝酒,日本举办“喝酒万岁”大赛
Japan’s government launches competition to get people drinking The Japanese government has launched a nationwide competition calling for ideas to encourage people to drink more alcohol after a ch..2022-08-24 编辑:kekechendu