[雅思口语辅导] 雅思口语激情之旅:
Do you prefer to further you education or work in practice after your graduation?Candidate 1: I will choose to further my education without any hesitation(犹豫). It is true that working in practice a2011-11-16 编辑:rainbow
[雅思口语辅导] 雅思口语激情之旅:Leisure Time Part 1(上)
How do you spend your leisure time?(Or: what do you usually do in your spare time?这是一道自由发挥的题目,不同的人有不同的兴趣爱好,打球、下棋、看书、上网等休闲活动都会从不同侧面帮助我们调节生化。如果2011-11-25 编辑:rainbow
[雅思口语辅导] 雅思口语激情之旅:Leisure Time Part 1(下)
2. What is/are your favorite music type/types? Who is your favourite singer?Music的种类很多,民族的或是流行的均有其特色。回答题目时,注意两个问题的前后呼应,不要将流行歌手带到民族音乐里。Candidate 1:2011-11-28 编辑:rainbow
[雅思口语辅导] 雅思口语激情之旅:Leisure Time Part 2
An Unforgettable TripDescribe an unforgettable trip, be it wonderful of awful. Tell the interviewer as much as you can about:When and with whom you've had itYour travel experienceWhat you've2011-11-29 编辑:rainbow
[雅思口语辅导] 雅思口语激情之旅:Leisure Time Part 3(上)
1. Do you think conciously or unconsciously, that some cultures are superior or inferior to others? Why?这是一个比较抽象的题目,音乐、电影、书籍方面的话题都可以和文化有关,无论选择优劣,解读Why都是有2011-11-29 编辑:rainbow
[乐宁外教口语天天练] 数学:数学之旅
乐宁外教口语天天练No.105I can cook in my 'sleep'or with my eyes closed.with my eyes closed意为 something is very easy.I can cook in my 'sleep'or with my eyes closed.with my eyes closed意为 so..2007-01-24 编辑:admin
[CCTV9] 朝鲜歌剧《卖花姑娘》开始中国巡演之旅
由朝鲜血海歌剧团演出的朝鲜大型经典歌剧《卖花姑娘》开始在中国10余个城市的巡回演出。Performers from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea have staged the classic opera "The Flower Girl"2012-06-04 编辑:mike
[环球之旅] 关注社会:米特·罗姆尼的外国之旅
The Republican's visit to three key allies is all about domestic, not foreign, politics.共和党人访问盟国的三个关键词是民主、开放和政治。TO HEAR Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential candid2012-08-01 编辑:justxrh
[经济学人综合] 经济学人:太空之旅 送我入太空
THE space race between America and the Soviet Union was as much about ideological one-upmanship as extraterrestrial exploration. A new space race to the moon has an even less lofty goal: sightseeing.2012-08-06 编辑:justxrh
[I am 闹挺] I'm 闹挺:迪斯尼之旅 A Trip To Disney
闹挺 迪斯尼 之旅2012-11-04 编辑:Nic